

TECH TALK: Porn sites not the only risk factor

 In times past, people could protect themselves from computer viruses by staying out of the “questionable” corners of the internet. While this hasn’t been true for years now, many people still believe that watching where they surf will keep their computers un-bugged. Antivirus company AVAST! just released an analysis of infected websites that should, once […]

DOBBIN: Is this what a police state looks like?

Police states don’t appear full blown, over night. They are, like any other social phenomenon, part of a social and political process - the end result of a long term corruption of the political culture and the incremental diminishing of democracy. This is a process that has been taking place for at least twenty years in Canada...

Remembering Zach Larsen

 Several hundred people attended a Celebration of Life for Zach Larsen on Saturday at the Pentecostal New Life Assembly Church. I wouldn’t normally write a story like this in the first person – it’s not about me, after all – but I tried and tried to write it as an impartial observer and just couldn’t […]

ATAMANENKO: Education should be a boon, not a burden

During this time of economic recovery, many young Canadians are seeking to improve their chances at developing meaningful careers by opting to invest in higher education. But with federal funding of colleges and universities having been slashed almost continuously since the early 80s, students are expected to make up this shortfall by paying unreasonable tuition […]

QUNFUZ: In the face of overwhelming odds

In his contribution to the debate on the rights and wrongs of violent resistance to oppression, David Bromwich tells us that non-violent action is supposed to be “visible and exemplary.” In the case of Palestine, this chimes with the dominant Western narrative that the Palestinians would have achieved liberation long ago if only they had avoided mindless […]

OP/ED: Releasing names of youth offenders just makes sense

 Do we as a community have the right to know if there is a dangerous or violent offender in our midst? I would like to believe that most of us would respond with a resounding yes. Yet, what if that same offender was a youth? Aaahh… now the answer is not so easy, is it? […]

TECH TALK: The OOo factor - more free, fab stuff to be found on the 'Net

Getting back to the free software series, let’s take a look at Open Office (www.openoffice.org). Called OOo for OpenOffice.org, Open Office is a full-featured office suite with a word processor, spreadsheet package, presentation software and a database. To get all of those applications in a version of Microsoft Office, you would have to look at […]

LETTER: Environment minister responds to Atamanenko's criticisms

Dear Editor, I would like to clarify for your readers the facts regarding statements that Mr. Alex Atamenenko made is his opinion piece on June 9. It is important for Canadians to understand that the Budget bill will not change the fundamentals of environmental assessment. These changes are about process in order to remove ...

Atamanenko slams Tory budget bill

  B.C. Southern Interior MP, Alex Atamanenko is extremely disappointed that the Conservative budget bill C-9 was adopted in the House of Commons on June 8th. “This bill paves the way for the privatization of Canada Post and authorizes the sale of the Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. with no debate or public scrutiny.  It […]

Maybe they ARE paying attention...

Wow! What a pleasant surprise. There, as CTV Vancouver’s local news top story tonight (Tuesday), was a hidden-camera investigation into B.C.’s program to prevent voluntarily self-restricted problem gamblers from entering casinos.  The system failed … repeatedly … as a supposedly “listed” problem gambler entered three Vancouver-area casinos, gambled, and cashed in his proceeds without a single security […]

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