

BC Green Party says cancel consideration of the Northern Gateway Enbridge pipelines

"BC Greens oppose the Enbridge  pipelines between the Alberta Tar Sands and Kitimat. The Michigan  spill proves that Enbridge has misled the public on the general safety  of pipelines and on its own record of spills," said Green Party of BC  Leader Jane Sterk."It seems that it is only after a disaster happens that the...

EDITORIAL: The evolution of a revolution

Changes, changes, changes. This week we're deploying a few new features here at the Telegraph in response to requests and suggestions from our readers. You may have already seen the new Megaphone box. As we wrote last week, that's a place where the residents of Rossland can post news and views that reflect their concerns,...

OP/ED: Depressed mode

With the devastatingly horrific accounts of John Fulton’s murder becoming public, I find myself taking a moment to look at depression and the varying degrees of severity manic depressives (technically bi-polar affective disorder) experience.   “What do you know?” you ask. Well, let me tell you before you embarrass yourself in the forum below. Though […]

OP/ED: Is government gambling revenue worth the risk?

Governments love ‘sin’ taxes. They fill up the coffers while creating the illusion that government is the high-minded protector of society’s moral well-being. But should government be running ‘sin’ businesses? If the performance of the BC Lottery Corporation (BCLC) is any indication, the answer is no – it creates far too much risk for players […]

ATAMANENKO: Canada-Eu Free Trade Agreement: what is at stake?

Canada and the European Union are currently negotiating a new free trade agreement called the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA). According to a detailed report prepared by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) Negotiating from Weakness, if CETA is implemented as currently written, Canada’s progressive...

TECH TALK: Hard-drive heartbreak avoidable

 This week I spent a whole bunch of time trying to help someone whose hard drive had crashed.  Her laptop got dropped, after which she wasn’t able to turn it on.  When I plugged it into another machine, the computer couldn’t even see that there was a hard drive there.  I phoned her to let […]

CTV Back at CRTC: Is it Begging or Blackmail?

Any cop, lawyer, judge or prosecutor knows that when you give in to blackmail, it’s not the end of the shakedown. Not by any means! Too bad the Canadian Radio Television and Telecommunications Commission never learned that lesson.It’s only a few months ago that the CRTC caved in to the demands of Canada’s private television...

OP/ED: Deer - latest tourist attraction or dinner?

Touching on the deer population is something I exclaimed I would never bother with as the whole thing is really absurd. Seems the absurdity has reached levels that make me want to dive in as Mayor Taylor puts us on the map again with his apparent Charles Bronson approach to deer control in Grand Forks. […]

EDITORIAL: Your newspaper...your Megaphone

If you look down the right hand side of this page, just below the comments box, you'll see something new. It's called 'The Rossland Telegraph Megaphone' and as we mourn the passing of print newspapers, it's worth keeping in mind the many possibilities of the new world of online news. As we've always said here at the Telegraph,...

OUT OF LEFT FIELD: "Print is dead" the battle cry of alarmists, despite closures of Weekender and Nelson Daily News

The very last issue of the Weekender will hit our mailboxes tomorrow, and the Nelson Daily News is already closed for good.   It has been suggested that, as the owner of an on-line media outlet, I should be delighted at the newspapers’ demise.   Nothing could be farther from the truth.   For starters, […]

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