

Harper’s flip-flop on Afghanistan

 We should have known it was too good to be true. Harper’s many, many repetitions of his government’s commitment to get all the troops out by July 2011 are well known. I think he may actually have meant it because by these repeated statements he framed the issue so strongly that all Canadians expected – […]

It’s Up to You, OK: The Allan Hotel Fire

Rossland sure has had its share of hot spots in the past.  One of them was the Allan Hotel, which stood where our Subway sandwich shop now stands. The Allan was built around the mid-1890s and until its complete destruction in 1978, it buzzed with a cafe, a beer parlour, and a supper club called the Loose Cabooze.  At some...

Campbell's resignation must not kill the BC Rail story

Now that I’m back from some well-enjoyed fun in the sun, I am amazed at the number of people who have suggested the biggest story that happened in BC in the past few weeks was the decision by Premier Gordon Campbell to step down.  They are wrong.   As repeatedly explained on this blog long […]

Remembrance Day: Giving everything so we could have something

I used to play trumpet, and my crowning musical achievement came not with playing reggae and ska/rocksteady covers at the Garden Works Christmas party (1997), but with having had the privilege of playing “Taps” at my elementary school’s Remembrance Day assembly, circa 1989.    As the only trumpet player in my school band, the...

This is the security state that Steve built...

For those considering issue triage — picking five or six issues to focus on — in the fight to rid the country of the current government, one area that is critical to the outcome is exposing the Harper government’s construction of the national security state.   I am referring here to the commitment of the […]

Facebook is only safe if you make it that way ... here's how

 Dark Reading (www.darkreading.com) has a list of their “Top Four Social Engineers of All Time”. These are people who have become experts at conning other people. Two, Kevin David Mitnick and Frank Abagnale, have criminal pasts. Frank Abagnale was the subject of the movie Catch me if You Can. The third is a consultant who […]

ATAMANENKO: The “Periwinkle Curse”: How the Lack of a National Childcare Policy Is Failing Our Children

The pretty village of Kaslo on Kootenay Lake has a population of less than 2,000 and one licensed daycare, the Periwinkle Children’s Centre. The centre has a long history in the community and also a long history of the same problems repeating themselves.  Sarah Lawless, chair of the board of directors for the non-profit centre, […]

Ed Broadbent’s Canada: More equal, more optimistic

 Ed Broadbent, one of Canada’s most respected progressive sages, sat down with the CCPA’s Trish Hennessy to talk about the Canada he grew up in and how it’s changed over his lifetime. During this candid conversation — in Mr. Broadbent’s own Ottawa backyard — he reflects on the profound shift away from equality. When he […]

Castlegar has bigger worries than a luncheon of Campbell's Coup

 I think most of us can safely bet the farm on which news story will be dominating B.C. media in the coming weeks – but I hope it doesn’t distract Castlegar from the huge looming issues our community will face over the same timeframe, regardless who holds power in Victoria. Truth be told, with the […]

Bringing out Miss Happy: Coping with S.A.D.

I know there are so many people here in the Mountain Kingdom who are so excited about winter they can barely contain themselves. This is a ski and winter sport mecca, so I get that. People look forward to this season all year and obsess over snow predictions as a Wall Street investment banker might obsess […]

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