

LETTER: Resurgence of Covid-19 cases in Castlegar

Dear friends, We join in your excitement as we start to feel that our lives are normal again. It has been so wonderful to hug friends, see family, host a party and watch sports in person. But we are writing to caution you that COVID-19 is not gone. Wherever vaccination rates are lower we are seeing a resurgence of COVID-19 ...

Column: Oil and climate change

It’s easy to think we’re beyond denial over the climate crisis, now that even oil industry executives are talking about taking it seriously. But, as with many politicians, what industry leaders say publicly often belies what they’re doing behind the scenes.   An investigation by Greenpeace project Unearthed has drawn the...

Column: Blueberry River First Nations court case victory and what it means

A recent momentous court victory for Blueberry River First Nations could put Canada on track to realizing key Truth and Reconciliation Commission “calls to action.”   Two of those are for government to “fully adopt and implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as the framework for reconciliation”...

New report: BC employment impacts of COVID-19: highly unequal for gender and race

Some job creation can be expected when BC moves to the next stage of reopening the economy in July, but labour market data show that in order to have an inclusive recovery significant inequities must be addressed, a new report released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, BC Office warns. In fact, the deeply...

From The Hill — Richard Cannings

On Saturday I took part in the send-off ceremonies in Penticton for the Syilx Caravan for the Children that went to Kamloops to grieve for the 215 children who were found in unmarked graves on the grounds of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation. A good crowd had gathered, ...

Wildsight OP/ED: Globally unique old growth falls as BC fails to act

Deep in the heart of BC’s Inland Temperate Rainforest (ITR), chainsaws are cutting irreplaceable and globally unique stands of ancient cedar-hemlock forests. The trees, which are hundreds and hundreds of years old and many one to two metres in diameter, are being  auctioned off and logged by BC’s own provincial timber agency,...

MP: Liberals reject NDP proposal to deliver affordable dental care to millions of Canadians

Yesterday, the Liberal government voted against an NDP motion that would provide dental coverage to millions of Canadians who struggle with the cost of dental care. The NDP proposal would have allowed 6.7 million people in Canada whose household income is less than $90,000 a year to access the dental services they desperately...

Column: An overdue reckoning

Oil giant ExxonMobil’s leaders have a long history of doing everything to keep the world from addressing climate change. They’ve buried company research showing the link between burning fossil fuels and a dangerously heating planet. They’ve sowed distrust and spread misinformation. They’ve lobbied politicians, set up and...

Column: What lasts? Part Three

Artists and Revolutionaries   Allow me a brief tangent about rock music and the Revolution; I am a 1960’s kid and I cannot forget a childhood illusion that my Woodstock Nation would transform our world. Music, love, peace, revolution, all were One, right? As the Eagles put it lyrically, “we thought we could change the world...

MP Cannings speaks to residential schools

The discovery of 215 unmarked and seemingly undocumented graves of children on the grounds of the former residential school in Kamloops has produced an outpouring of grief and anger across Canada.  While the discovery was not a surprise to many people, especially to residential school survivors, it served as a shocking reminder...

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