

COMMENT: Don't blame the Initiative Act for HST fallout

When Elections BC announced the turnout in this summer’s HST referendum, it’s likely a few bottles of champagne were popped. Cheap champagne, but still champagne. It seemed conventional wisdom was cutting both ways as pundits weighed-in on who would benefit the most from what was seen as a higher than expected turnout: the scrap the […]

All Along the Pipeline

By Michael Jessen Written in 1967, Bob Dylan’s All Along the Watchtower simmers with images of an impending day of reckoning. A mysterious and understated poem of simple rhyming couplets, it is the ideal musical accompaniment to the reality of today’s war on oil from Alberta’s tar sands. The businessmen and plowmen of Dylan’s song […]

COMMENT: Art is greater than filth

Ali Farzat, the Arab world’s greatest cartoonist – in fact one of the very best and bravest creative voices in the Arab world – was bundled into a van by Syrian regime filth last night. Some hours later he was found bleeding at the side of the airport road. First reports suggest that his hands have been broken.I’ve often used...

Victory in Tripoli

After six months of struggle, the Libyan revolution has arrived (again) in Tripoli. There may still be a trick or two up the megalomaniac’s sleeve, but the news coming in at the moment suggests a precipitous collapse. Saif-ul-Islam al-Qaddafi has been arrested. The tyrant’s daughter Aisha’s house is under the revolutionaries’ control, as is the […]

Golden City Cynic: What I’ll miss about Rossland

The cat is officially out of its not-so-tightly-closed bag: I’m moving. At the end of September, I’ll be packing up my actual cat, Juno, and all my stuff, and moving to the coast. Maple Ridge, to be specific. It was a difficult, devastating decision, and I have another column planned talking about my reasons for the move, but...

Rumours of pipeline's demise grow as speculation surrounds Enbridge

It’s impossible to divine anything concrete from the flurry of interesting chatter surrounding Enbridge’s embattled 1,100 km Northern Gateway Pipeline proposal. Alternate routes, Asian energy experts laughing at our stupidity, Enbridge as a straw man to help push through another pipeline to the US…Much of it coming via rumours, hypotheses, and veiled political innuendo. But […]

UK uprisings now, France last year, Vancouver in June not just thugs

It’s the easiest way to dismiss what we see going on: a mindless group of hooligans, drunks and thieves wreaking havoc for havoc’s sake — and for profit.And that’s what the “official”  investigations always conclude afterwards. But they’re wrong. There are several common threads that link the disturbances throughout the UK right now, France last year, […]

ATAMANENKO: GMO crops today

There has been a fair amount of debate of late in regard to genetically modified organisms (GMOs). We often see misconceptions and ‘myths’ being perpetrated by proponents of this technology which upon closer scrutiny cannot withstand the light of day. One myth is that GMOs will eliminate poverty and hunger in the world. Another is […]

EDITORIAL: Arts and culture, want to come outside and play?

Walking around downtown Rossland with a friend from California this past weekend, I felt somewhat self conscious that at 6:30 PM on a sunny Saturday afternoon, the downtown core was vacant of all but a Pomeranian attempting to bite at the heels of a passing semi and an old black dog making the rounds from bin to bin (Note to...

Local dad says LG "joke" no laughing matter

To the editor:  Let me begin by saying this letter is addressing the enablers… the ones who turn a blind eye to something theyd rather not be aware of. When a situation is worthy of being top national news, it should be just that … not what has happened in our town regarding the abuse […]

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