COMMENT: Peace is practical
Early last November I had the privilege of attending a public forum in Ottawa organized by the Canadian Peace Initiative. The forum took place on a Friday evening featuring Professor Ian McKay of Queens University as a keynote speaker. Professor McKay, author of Warrior Nation: Rebuilding Canada in an Age of Anxiety, talked...
COMMENT: Is The NDP Becoming 'Liberals-lite'?
A couple of polls showing the NDP losing support to the Liberals pose some pretty fundamental questions for the party and its small ‘l’ liberal leader Thomas Mulcair. Does the party follow the narrow political path of the two big business parties or does it reinvent itself as a movement party and tap into the deep dissatisfaction...
COMMENT: Straight talk on Gaza
Palestine’s democratically elected government is targeted. West Bank coup d’etat authority has no legitimacy. Abbas’ term as president expired in January 2009. Israel rigged his 2005 election. What’s ongoing is illegal aggressive war. Israeli provocations caused it. Israel’s entire history reflects belligerence. It lives by the sword. It’s a modern-day Sparta. Operation Pillar of Cloud […]
OPINION: Canada needs quality First Nation leaders in Parliament
By: Mischa Popoff, Policy Advisor for The Heartland Institute, Research Associate for The Frontier Centre for Public Policy Getting kicked off a flight for being inebriated must’ve been troubling for New Democrat MP Romeo Saganash. But it was even more troubling for me. Put aside for the moment the fact that Saganash is a...
OP/ED: Ninja knickers to the rescue
I was cruising around Pinterest one day and found a quote that struck something deep inside me. It read, “I have an irrational fear of wasting a good outfit on an insignificant day.” (I know, deep, right?) Anyway,I gasped in excitement and thought, “Oh my gawsh, that’s totally me!” and quickly ‘pinned’ it before moving on to other sparkly […]
COMMENT: I am a Nauruan
Luxury and avarice — those pests which have been the ruin of every state.--Cato the Elder [I wrote this essay for the By The People program of Nelson’s Community Radio on October 6. 2006. There is a renewed concern about the resource industry – oil, gas, forestry, coal – in Northern British Columbia. Sue, who grew up in...
COMMENT: Iran's 'cyber police' killed jailed blogger
We know they have openly promised to destroy Israel; we are aware they finance the worst terrorist groups in the world, that deliberately target civilians; we have been appalled at how they brutally suppress their own people; we were aghast when they murdered a Canadian photo-journalist while detained in custody; and now,...
OP/ED: Playing with the dragon II: The architects behind Canada’s China policy
In 1989, I sat alone in front of the TV, watching the fight for democracy and freedom come to a head in China. Who could forget this iconic image of a single man standing before the tanks, facing likely death? What strength lives in a soul to find yourself taking such action ? For a young woman like myself, raised in the...
COMMENT: What to cut from the City budget?
Councillor Cary Fisher asks if citizens know what they’re paying for. He’s amazed at how little people understand about what the City actually funds. He shouldn’t be surprised. He said it’s up to the citizens of Rossland to enlighten themselves on where tax dollars are spent. But how can taxpayers do that when the City ...
As falls America, so falls Canada?
Americans are raised on a peculiar ideology about themselves, their country, and its history. It's called “exceptionalism.” It means they are exempt from learning from history, because nothing they do has ever been paralleled or precedented. They do everything for the first time ever in human history. No one and nothing, bears...