

My Rx for Occupy Vancouver success

I hope the REAL Occupy Vancouver movement does not fade away. For MOST of our sakes, it MUST not. Their message--that the rich must STOP getting richer at the expense of the rest of us--must not die, or be forgotten, or cease to be advocated. promoted and brought to success in our society. Readers of this blog will know how...

Vancouver activists corrupt Occupy movement

This blog comes to you from the United States …where the Occupy movement is real and still relevant.Make no mistake about it there is a BIG difference between the majority of those keeping the Occupy movement alive down south and those Occupy pretenders in Vancouver/Victoria who have co-opted and stolen the original cause. ...

Wake up and listen to Occupiers

The amazingly resilient Occupy phenomenon is running up against the same ugly reality that so many social movements have encountered over the past 20 years: There is a world of difference between influence and power.  Governments and the corporations they serve have power — that is, the power of money (and the law) to make ...

COMMENT: Making the case for electoral finance reform

Catching a politician with their hand in the cookie jar is far more juicy than actually building a better cookie jar, so it's little surprise that proposing changes to BC's electoral finance laws is hardly seen as sexy. But if voters truly want accountability and transparency restored to BC politics, it starts with prying the...

Candidate Questions 12: A controversial bylaw to ban “cosmetic” pesticides in town failed to get through council twice in the last term. How did you vote or would you have voted?

Here, in our last installment of Candidate Questions, is one that pertains to the use of pesticides on Rossland's lawns. And here it is: "A controversial bylaw to ban “cosmetic” pesticides in town failed to get through council twice in the last term. How did you vote or would you have voted" CARY FISHER: I understand the fear...

Candidate Questions 11: What is your stance on the Washington-Columbia upgrades and downtown revitalization?

One of the biggest decisions on the immediate horizon--certainly in terms of sheer price tag--that the new council will have to deal with will be the Columbia-Washington upgrades and the proposed re-creation of our downtown--cost, noise, disruption, and all. With this in mind we asked the candidates the following question: "What...

COMMENT: Candidates with whom I'd like to share a pitcher of fine yet inexpensive ale...

We’ll do just that tomorrow evening, Thursday, 7 p.m., with "beers and ballots" at the Red Room. All the candidates have been invited to spend the evening discussing the finer points of local politics—and some of the brightest lights have confirmed—while Tim and Gabriella put on their $10 pitcher special for their selection...

Candidate Questions 10: What about those DCCs anyway?

Development Cost Charges (DCCs) have been a source of controversy for a few years now. Do low DCCs encourage development or merely subsidize real estate speculators while passing the burden along to feckless local taxpayers? Gulp. The question, then, is this: "Given the state of the economy, prospects for growth in Rossland,...

EDITORIAL: A convivial approach to campaigning...the Telegraph's 'beers and ballots' event

This coming Thursday evening, at 7pm the Rossland Telegraph will be hosting an informal discussion with the candidates at the Red Room lounge in the Prestige. Pithily named 'beers and ballots', the goal is to allow ordinary folks to sit down with other ordinary folks (your candidates) for a pleasant chat about local issues,...

Candidate Questions 8: Rossland is known as a ski town. How can we increase tourism in the other three seasons? Is that even desirable?

Rossland self-identifies as a 'ski town', but the long term viability of this city demands either  an expansion of Red or a need for diversification of this identity. Hence today's question: "Rossland’s economy currently depends on winter tourists. How do you perceive Rossland's relationship with Red Mountain? How can we...

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