

Living faithfully?

What does living faithfully mean? In my context, it means living faithfully to my understanding of God's call in the world. 'Call' being a pull into realizing there is much more than 'me' involved in the warp and woof of the universe. There are connections in many realms. Connections to the Divine Light pervading all Creation....

COMMENT: A straight shootin cowgirl, yes ma'am!

In response to the acrimony at the end of Monday’s council meeting, one reader called Coun. Moore a “straight shooter.” Too true. In my reports, I cannot convey the subtext, the subtle looks, the postures, the energy, and the feeling in people’s statements without colouring them with my biased interpretation of the emotional...

Decreasing high cholesterol, LDLs or triglycerides

One of the more common imbalances I see fairly often is improper fat metabolism, which results in either high cholesterol, LDLs or triglycerides and low HDLs or low cholesterol, LDLs, triglycerides and HDLs.    Most of the fats we eat in food are in the forms of triglycerides or cholesterol. These need to be properly broken...

COMMENT: Mortgaging BC, one deal at a time

If the B.C. government is ever on the hunt for a new slogan perhaps “spending our children's inheritance” would be fitting.  Since 2001, British Columbians have been witness to the sale of key parts of B.C.'s infrastructure, transfers of its wealth to private interests and sweetheart deals for industries that can afford...

Cana wine

This is the time of year that finds us exploring the beginnings of Jesus' ministry. Each Gospel has a different take. Mark tells of teaching, casting out demons and healing. Matthew relates teaching, healing, and preaching a sermon from a mountain top. In Luke we hear a sermon preached in Nazareth that riled the assembly so...

COMMENT: The Department of Peace, part 2

In this column I will continue the discussion on the creation of a Department of Peace by highlighting some of the initiatives undertaken in other countries. Over 30 countries have campaigns to create a Department of Peace.  In three countries – Nepal, the Solomon Islands and Costa Rica this is a reality. On September 14,...

We are not the solution: we are the problem

Arc of the Cognizant XXI “What do you mean ‘we,’ Paleface?”  -- Tonto to the Lone Ranger By Charles Jeanes Oh, Canada. If ever there was a time for Canadians to take a prominent place in global affairs, it would seem to be now. But is the consciousness of our people up to this task? We have a very favourable ratio of population...

COMMENT: Idle some more?

I am not sure if Idle No More is a movement or merely a passing protest. Like Occupy Wall Street before it, Idle No More, above all, appears to be an expression of frustration. Earlier protest actions opposed the status quo, but they did have a clear focus — civil rights, women’s rights and gay rights — visions for a new...

On 'obscene' City salaries

Rossland’s new CAO, Cecile Arnott, apparently didn’t like the contract she signed only a few short months ago.  At an in-camera meeting on November 26, 2012. Ms. Arnott asked that council amend her contract that took effect on October 1, 2012.  In a memo dated November 22, 2012, Ms. Arnott indicated staff, through consultation...

COMMENT: Picking our pockets

The B.C. government likes to boast that the province's personal income tax rates are among the lowest in the land, if not the lowest. Expect to hear it repeated a lot in TV ads over the coming weeks, when the legislature reconvenes in February and when the 2013 provincial budget is tabled.   On one level they're right. On...

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