

Giving it up for Lent

This might be hard to believe, but sometimes I get a bit full of myself. Get off on some track or other and before I know it, I'm preaching, proclaiming and other wise carrying on as if I had an inside scoop on the path to salvation. Frankly it can be a tad hard to take. So I've decided to give it up. At least for Lent....

WHO REALLY OWNS CITY HALL 1: Look in the mirror

The last section in the Municipal Act calls on the Minister to “establish a process for the review of this Act” within 10 years after its adoption. The Act was adopted in 1998, and by the time the Minister complied with section 371, that deadline had long ago expired. However, the review process is now underway and although...

COMMENT: Brazeau, Harper and Idle No More

The Brazeau affair — sad, repugnant and bizarre all at the same time — shines a light on two aspects of Canadian politics that desperately need some exposure. One is what it reveals about the state of “official” aboriginal politics and its relationship to the Canadian state. The other, the almost exclusive focus of the media,...

COMMENT: School closures and the ‘cult of efficiency’

In light of the current fiscal crisis and resultant school closures and reconfigurations being contemplated by our Board of Education to balance its budget we believe it is appropriate to revisit some of Murray Dobbin’s thoughts in his article about School Closures and the “Cult of Efficiency” written in 2008 when he was the...

Spirit of the Lord?

When most folk think of someone swept up in the Spirit of the Lord they're likely in the space a fellow named Paul was when he wrote that women should keep their hair bound up in worship. It resulted in a long practice of women wearing head coverings in church. Some scholars think that Paul was more concerned with what women...

COMMENT: Why this problem can’t be buried

Twenty-five years ago, after consensus on the reality and impacts of manmade climate change led to the formation of the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, western governments had two choices. They could either stop subsidising fossil fuel industries and invest the savings in promoting energy efficiency and renewable...

COMMENT: 2013 should be the year of the democracy coalition

When historians write the chapter on the current period of social democracy in Canada they might well conclude that the worst thing that happened to it was the 2011 election when the NDP got 103 seats it hadn’t really earned. It was such an unexpected event that the NDP could not cope with it. You could see it in the euphoria...

COMMENT: The Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum, Part 1

I had the opportunity in January to represent our country at the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) in Vladivostok, Russia.  This was the 21st annual Forum which hosted over three hundred parliamentarians from 23 APPF member states as well as representatives from other countries, the UN and other world organizations. Our...

COMMENT: What lies beyond the Golden City blame game?

It's easy to blame, and why shouldn’t we? A few people ought to be blamed. For starters, let's blame one Victor Kumar, who when offered the job as Rossland's CAO made it a condition of his employment that Council pass Bylaw 2473 that turned over virtually all council's powers to him. Let's also blame that particular council...

Existential ego at the end of time

Humanity ascends from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom– Friedrich Engels, in Socialism: Utopian and Scientific The meaning of Life is discovering our gift; the purpose is to give it away– chalkboard on Baker St. in Nelson My last column described the Baby Boomers at some length, so today I will sound off with ...

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