

COMMENT: Defend Dignity Campaign

I was approached by a number of constituents who are involved in the Defend Dignity Campaign, a justice initiative of 430 churches of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada. Defend Dignity exits to abolish prostitution in Canada and proposes that Canada implement the Nordic law as Sweden did in 1999. Nordic law was...

When lives are lost, have we taken deregulation too far?

The history of regulations goes back to the early civilizations of Greece and Egypt. Their purpose then as it is now is to protect society from the negative consequences of risks and hazards. Regulations, backed by the power of laws, govern what we wear, what we eat, where and how we live, and all but the most benign of our...

The Crisis of Extreme Capitalism

Our current incarnation of capitalism — variously referred to as savage capitalism, extreme capitalism or euphemistically as the “free market” (free of any constraints) — is in one of its periodic crises. For years many assumed that the smart people who ran the system and benefitted from it would find a practical way to fix...

COMMENT: Bill C-45 Continues Gutting of the Fisheries Act

The federal Fisheries Act was designed to protect aquatic species, including preventing the dumping of harmful materials into fish-bearing waters. In 2012 Bill C-38, the Budget Implementation Act, began the gutting of the Fisheries Act by the Harper Conservatives in earnest. Four former federal Fisheries ministers were compelled...

LETTER: Castlegar top cop pens response to resident critique

Dear Editor:   In response to a letter to the editor (see original letter below this one) dated June 13th, regarding the dispatching of first responders to medical emergency call, it was stated that, "911 was called several times with no response, and that the RCMP were called to no avail".   I would like to clear up any...

OP/ED: MLA says Kootenay jobs at risk

A secret 10-year deal signed by forest minister Steve Thomson could have significant implications on B.C.’s pulp mills, including Celgar, says New Democrat MLA Katrine Conroy. “We know that mills are having to pay more to get fiber, and we know that as the timber supply problem gets worse, it’s only going to get harder for ...

COMMENT: This summer protect yourself from the sun...screen?

As the days get red hot this summer, so does unprotected skin.  We’re all taught as kids to lather up when hitting the beach or pool, and we’ve all felt the sting of a bad sunburn after not heeding that advice.  Until recently, there haven’t been too many questions asked about what is in the concoction that we that we absorb...

Out of Left Field: Premier's response to Alberta flooding lukewarm at best

I was a little startled to read Premier Christy Clark's press release regarding Alberta flooding (see below) - there was no mention of flooding in B.C., no pledge of mutual assistance, nor any statement speaking to assistance already en route ... really, no information at all - I could've been more enlightened by a two-minute...

West Kootenay Roller Derby double header

It's time for another derby double header on June 22 at the Nelson Civic Centre. First up, at 5 p.m., is Killjoys vs Babes of Brutality: If you were able to catch the last match up between the Babes and The Killjoys, you would know that it was an all-out grudge match. The score flipped and flopped back and forth faster than...

COMMENT: Thoughts on the future of the Doukhobors in Canada

I’ve had Doukhoborism on my mind lately. A number of months ago I was asked if I would put some thoughts together about the modern day relevance of St. Peter’s Day (or Petrov Dien) for inclusion in the Canadian Doukhobor Society newsletter. I was happy to say yes as over the past few years I’ve been thinking more and more...

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