

COMMENT: Where are all the grown-ups overseeing our health care?

I'd like to paint a picture for you, explaining why, in my opinion, this region enjoys sub-par health services: Imagine, if you would, that you're the BC Minister of Health. You oversee five health authorities, with 16 health services delivery areas under them, all of them clamouring for a finite pool of funding and resources....

EDITORIAL: New Year, New Telegraph as Rossland’s oldest newspaper (yup) rolls out some new ideas

Working in an online environment is a form of constant education. When David Livingstone and I started The Rossland Telegraph five years ago, we had the idea of offering something new in a new medium--an electronic forum where all right-thinking denizens of the Mountain Kingdom could air and share their views, thereby...

LETTER: Reader feels despair over logging in Lynch Creek

Dear Editor Reading 'Logging in Lynch Creek North is underway'  filled me with despair and anger. Dispair because Lynch Creek North is an important corridor for a threatened grizzly bear population and the road density in the area already far exceeds the level recommended by grizzly bear biologists.  Five-hundred logging...

LETTER: UBC students support ban on candy-flavoured cigarettes

Dear Editor, We are third year nursing students at UBC-Okanagan and are writing in regard to the growing amount of flavoured tobacco products available today. With National Non-Smoking Week upon us, we feel it is important to address this concern specifically because of the way these products are being marketed towards youth....

Better and better, worse and worse. Simultaneously. And ever faster.

“…the new religion of material science … rules our mind, and this religion has a very, very bad god behind it. Certain patterns of thinking are now being induced electronically over the whole earth. …I don't think, as we are turning our forces now, that we're doing ourselves any good whatsoever. I feel rough times ahead.”...

Stephen Harper’s Disservice to Israel

The dictionary definition of perverse says (of a person or their actions) “...showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, often in spite of the consequences.” Well, that just about sums up Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s disturbing trip to Israel. If anyone knows why this...

COMMENT: Government subterfuge on local campaign spending limits

When you compare prices at the supermarket you usually look at comparable products, for instance you don't compare the price of a head of lettuce with a can of baked beans. It should be the same way with government consultations. Case in point: when you're trying to figure out how many people live in an electoral district for...

Is Canada a nation adrift?

My reading consists primarily of books on history and political philosophy, and does not include memoirs of has-been politicians. I would not have read Joe Clark’s How We Lead: Canada in a Century of Change had it not been a Christmas gift from my daughter. Had I relied on my prejudices, I would have deprived myself of an...

COMMENT: Flavoured tobacco products aimed at kids, should be banned in BC

We are third year nursing students at UBC-Okanagan and are writing in regard to the growing amount of flavoured tobacco products available today. With National Non-Smoking Week upon us, we feel it is important to address this concern specifically because of the way these products are being marketed towards youth. When you...

COMMENT: Auditor General Takes Aim

The truly horrible derailment in Lac Megantic and the XL Foods recall saga are two significant events that shook Canadians’ faith in our regulatory system in the last year. The federal agencies that oversee the regulations, Transport Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), were among the subjects covered in...

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