

Tuition-Free Training Offered for Potential Transportation and Forestry Workers

Responding to specific needs in the region, Selkirk College has partnered with the federal and provincial governments in launching two tuition-free programs to get unemployed and under-employed residents the training they need to be job ready. Starting in November, eligible individuals have an opportunity to enrol in Professional...

LETTER: New NDP MP Candidate introduces himself

I was recently honoured to be chosen as the NDP candidate in the new federal riding of South Okanagan-West Kootenay.  I thank all who took part in the nomination election process.  I especially thank and congratulate my fellow candidate, Margaret Maximenko, and her team, for a tremendous campaign—a campaign that added hundreds...

COMMENT: City of Trail offers strongly-worded response to criticism

The City is responding to Mr. Norm Gabana’s Letter to the Editor, Bridge Reports and Statements Differ, that was published in the Trail Times on Oct. 23. Mr. Gabana is the individual who initiated a petition against the City’s Loan Authorization Bylaw 2775 that was advanced to provide the City with authority to borrow up to...

Op/Ed: Need "Good" reason to run for council

This Op/Ed was originally shared on a Boundary Facebook group and then sent to us for publication.  Ever wonder what motivates a person to run for municipal council? While some run with the best of intentions, some folks have really bad, or at least really misguided, motives.  Here are my top five bad reasons to run: 1) “People...

The "I" through history

“… our Self is our operations centre, our consciousness, our moral compass.”--- Gary Wolf, founder of ‘The Quantified Self Movement’ Selfhood in the Twenty-first Century There is a high degree of consensus among writers about the past and the present that humans’ sense of self has changed markedly over time. Just today I...

LETTER: Seeking Enlightenment

“Who shall govern the Mountain Kingdom?” said the King, directing his words at the large pile of rocks heaped on what was once a sacred grotto adjacent to the museum. The Oracle of Delphi often visited here to escape the heat of the Grecian summer. Being something of a free spirit a few rocks didn’t bother her. The King had...

River Talks — Playing Poker, Watching Poker at 2014 Transboundary Conference

Since 2005, Eileen Delehanty Pearkes has researched and explored the natural and human history of the rivers of the upper Columbia River Basin.  She speaks frequently at conferences and symposia throughout the Basin on the history of the Columbia River Treaty and its effects on Basin residents.  She has recently completed a...

OP/ED: Guns can kill us, but losing our national identity is a choice. No gun can do that.

A guy with a gun. That seems to be how it always starts. World War 1, JFK, Martin Luther King Jr., Lennon. Just a guy with a gun. God knows, it’s what’s torn our little valley apart this week, and is tearing our country apart today. That’s no comment on Peter DeGroot, it’s just how it is. We all need to wait for the investigation...

To Rossland, our Haven: I apologize for the ripple in paradise

It's beautiful, and you know it. Rossland is a paradise for people who love the outdoors and each other. The schools and teachers are great, and the community overflows with creative talent and innovative educational opportunities. Just check out the kids. The public works is well stocked with tools and skilled people, with...

LETTER: An appeal to area dirt bikers from the mountain biking community

To the dirt bikers riding on mountain bike trails: I am a mountain biker and volunteer trail builder. I also grew up riding dirt bikes and still ride occasionally. Rossland offers endless opportunity for these sports. My experience has been that all bikers have enjoyed peaceful coexistence in the Rossland area. However, there...

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