

5 IDEAS IN 5 DAYS, WEDNESDAY: How to increase Rossland’s seniors housing units and tap into that resource.

Imagine that you, the decision maker, had literally hundreds of people’s experience, among whom, many have had to make this same decision, at your disposal to tap into. Imagine if for almost every challenge, issue, or opportunity that came up in your decision making realm, you could talk to a person who had been, there, done...

5 IDEAS IN 5 DAYS, MONDAY: How the City can support K-12 education in Rossland and increase revenue

Here’s a personal tip: One way to look good, is to associate yourself with people that are doing great things. Another way of saying it is that it’s fun to be part of a winning team. When you see someone, or some people pursuing a noble initiative, that are forging great strides forward and makingthings happen in general, get...

OUT OF LEFT FIELD: A new (for me) and very personal take on Remembrance

It’s Remembrance Day. For me, that’s always been a sad, solemn day. But this year, everything has changed, for me, as I have this year lost people who completely deserve wreaths at the Cenotaph in their honour. Before this year, I remembered ideas, not real people. This year, I’m remembering people I knew and loved. And not...

COMMENT: Let's get ready to vote!

On Saturday, British Columbians will head to the polls to choose more than 2,000 local officials for councils, school boards, regional districts, parks boards and the Islands Trust. Considering that local councils in B.C. spend more than $8 billion a year of our money, it's a bit of a paradox that most voters – if it's anything...

6000 Rosslanders in an affordable city: Jill Spearn makes her case for the mayorship

SG: Just to start with basics, tell us what you think the role of Council is in the City. JS: I think the role of Council is to represent the citizens of Rossland -- that's obvious, that's why we're elected. And I also think it is the role of Council to do the regular business of the City, for sure, be it formulating bylaws,...

ELECTION RANT: Castlegar residents need to wise up

I don’t think it will come as any kind of wicked surprise to anyone that I’m a supporter of democracy – I’ve always pushed people to rock their vote, participate and be involved. I usually totally enjoy elections. This one? Not so much. I can’t wait until it’s over – which will be in roughly six generations, if the ugliness...

OP/ED: Castlegar Council says City strike misguided, urges Union to reconsider

Ed Note: The following is a press release issued by the City of Castlegar in response to CUPE 2262's notice, given today, of full strike action. The union representing Castlegar’s unionized city workers has decided to take full-blown strike action effective Saturday, Nov. 8, 2014. “We have bargained in good faith and at...

COMMENT: City pans union for hijacking election; speaks to labour stalemate

Ed. Note: This press release was issued Monday night, after CUPE's delegation to council's regular meeting, but before CUPE's public announcement of fullblown-strike action issued this morning: CUPE 2262, the Union representing city workers in Castlegar has taken to the press to boast about how they dominated the Castlegar ...

Four Prime Questions about Harper’s Response to Ottawa Shooting

Two weeks after the senseless murder of a soldier on Parliament Hill (and another earlier in Montreal) there are several things we know and many we don’t. Obvious questions have been asked and inconvenient ones have been left aside. We know — and indeed could predict one second after the shooting — that Stephen Harper would...

Corrupt elevations: killers of Canadian soldiers and the Jian Ghomeshi scandal

Is Canada at war? This is not the simple question it once was. We have witnessed the steady degradation of language, as Orwell predicted, so that “war” has been cheapened by repetition. War on poverty, war on drugs, war on diseases, etc. have left us jaded about the meaning of war. War on terror is another such phrase with ...

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