

OUT OF LEFT FIELD: Ghomeshi is the least of our problems

The word “traumatized”is a fascinating and viciously misused word. You had a brutal experience? You saw something no one else should ever see? If you responded to it like a normal person, then you’re not ‘traumatized’, and we don’t need new words to describe it. You had the mother of all bad days, and that […]

Greening Up — Disrupting the Narrative

“It is impossible to argue with a story that simply reflects the experience of the storyteller.” – Mary Pipher Climate change has aroused the concern of the human family for decades through scientific analysis, media attention, and letters to the editor. Yet because a reported three percent sliver of scientists do not believe...

OPINION: TPP -- Forfeiting Our Health and Sovereignty?

Are Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland's officials misleading her about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)? Freeland signed the agreement Thursday in New Zealand, but repeated her assurances that critics shouldn't worry -- the government hasn't committed to ratifying it and consultations and a full debate will precede a vote...

Is BC starting to become overrun by lobbyists?

Last month, lobbyists gathered in Vancouver for The Future of Lobbying, a one -day conference put on by B.C.'s Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists, Simon Fraser Institute's Governance Studies and Public Affairs Association of Canada (B.C. Chapter). Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there does seem to be a future for the...

COLUMN: From the Hill; Pipelines are a Hot Topic. An analysis.

Pipelines are a hot topic in Ottawa and across the country these days.  Last Wednesday the Liberals outlined their plans for a revised environmental assessment process for pipelines, and on Thursday the Conservatives put forward a motion asking the House to support the Energy East pipeline. Here is the overall picture: the ...

OPINION: Paris (should have) changed everything, so why are we still talking pipelines?

By David Suzuki With the December Paris climate agreement, leaders and experts from around the world showed they overwhelmingly accept that human-caused climate change is real and, because the world has continued to increase fossil fuel use, the need to curb and reduce emissions is urgent. In light of this, I don’t get the ...

OPINION: Food Fights in our Future?

Food from "away": It's becoming common knowledge that most of the food we eat here in BC comes from other places:  rice from Asia or California, oranges and orange juice from Florida, Texas or California, vegetables and almonds mostly from California, wheat and other grains from the prairies,  and convenience foods -- prepared...

OPINION: How Will Trudeau Act on the TPP?

Will Trudeau Take a Neo-Keynesian Approach? Place your bets. Will Justin Trudeau and his economic advisors choose a neo-Keynesian approach to the growing economic disaster facing the country or will it stick to the neo-liberal ideology that has been the stock response of Liberal and Conservative governments for the past 30 ...

Corporate tax hikes ultimately reduce the wages of Canadian workers

Increasing corporate tax rates results in lower average wages for workers, finds a new study, released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. Corporate income taxes are ultimately paid for by individuals either as workers through lower wages, consumers through higher...

Letter: Lot of work ahead for Canadians

To The Editor: Canada drew upon its compassion during the Paris Climate Summit.  Knowing that if our carbon emissions continue unchanged, some of the earliest and most tangible consequences are to island nations in the southern hemisphere. They will be overwhelmed by the rising sea level, lives and livelihoods lost, and so ...

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