

Rossland Summit School class tackles the plastic problem

Anyone who is paying any attention at all knows that plastic pollution is a huge problem for life on earth.  Plastic litter floods into rivers, washes into the sea, chokes beaches and wildlife, breaks down into micro-particles that pollute our waterways and our drinking water; it migrates into the ocean, where it either...

COLUMN: Consumer society no longer serves our needs

My parents were born in Vancouver — Dad in 1909, Mom in 1911 — and married during the Great Depression. It was a difficult time that shaped their values and outlook, which they drummed into my sisters and me. “Save some for tomorrow,” they often scolded. “Share; don’t be greedy.” “Help others when they need it because one day...

Opinion: BC Hydro asking for a loan? Overheard by a fly on the wall

Loans Officer (LO):  So you'd like to borrow $10.7 billion? BC Hydro (BCH):  Yes sir. It's for a hydro-electric dam. LO:   Well that's a lot of green for green energy. How exactly did you arrive at that cost? BCH:  Happy to report we went to the same team that came up with the $1.5 billion estimate for the Port Mann bridge....

10 Questions with BC Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver

By Carol Linnet of DeSmog Canada B.C. Green Party leader Andrew Weaver went from being B.C.’s solitary Green MLA in 2013 to holding the balance of power in the province’s current minority government. While the transition has had its ups and downs for the climate scientist, public scrutiny of Weaver’s position and what he ought...

Opinion: Good news -- some projects that got it at least partly right

By DeSmog Canada editors Being an environmental journalist at this point in history can be a bit, well, depressing. It often means bringing negative stories to light: stories about government failing to balance development with environmental protection, or about companies getting away with harmful practices, or about Indigenous...

Opinion: The second 'Warning to Humanity' and what we can do

A year ago, we revisited the 1992 “World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity.” Signed by a majority of Nobel laureates in sciences at the time and more than 1,700 leading scientists worldwide, the document warned, “Human beings and the natural world are on a collision course.” It called for a new ethic that encompasses our...

Assessed property values: a few dramatic changes

Assessed property value changes from 2017 to 2018 Revelstoke residents will see an average increase in property values of just over 21% -- the largest increase in the Kootenay-Columbia region.  The next largest increase in average assessed values is 17.2%, in Fruitvale.  Midway takes third place, with an average increase of...

Opinion: NDP Government's Site C Math a Flunk, Say Project Financing Experts

By Sarah Cox, DeSmog Canada The NDP government’s arithmetic on Site C cancellation costs is “deeply flawed,” has “no logic at all,” and is “appalling,” according to three project financing experts.   Eoin Finn, a retired partner of KPMG, one of the world’s largest auditing firms, said Premier John Horgan’s claim that terminating...

A report on seniors, with notes on child poverty, housing, and finally, some music to contemplate it all by.

In the wake of news about an elderly New Brunswick couple in care, married for 69 years, who were separated just before Christmas this year to accommodate the husband in a facility about 45 minutes away from the wife’s facility because of his need for a higher level of care for dementia, our thoughts can turn to the increasing...

Opinion: Is Site C really a done deal? Is it over?

A summary, by  Carol Linnet of DeSmog Canada   Site C is a go. Premier John Horgan announced the decision Monday morning. It was met instantly with threats of legal action, requests for an injunction, and condemnation from Amnesty International.   Let's start with the legal stuff. Within minutes of the...

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