

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Proposed Dance Studio

Dear Editor, I have been in the midst of negotiating the purchase of the Jehovah Witness Hall in Rossland.  Everything is in place except the re-zoning from Church status to C-2 Commercial status.  At this point city staff is strongly recommending to Council that in order for the Church Hall to be re-zoned to C-2, I will be...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Finding A Realistic DCC Value

To The Mayor and Council, City of RosslandThe challenge of setting DCC's is that of matching possibilities and probabilities in a realistic scenario, absent complete information. I regret that other commitments prevented me from attending the open meeting to discuss this with you directly.From what I know, the principal issue...


Far, far away, high in the rolling, jungle-clad hills of the Golden Triangle  north of Chiang Mai in the farthest reaches of Thailand is a small village.   This village appears to be of considerable inspiration to the rulers of our  Mountain Kingdom, so much so that there is talk of a sister city, yet another  to add to our...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Development Cost Charges in Rossland

This letter will hopefully serve as a “wake-up call” to those citizens of Rossland who do not wish to see their taxes increased to pay for infrastructure for future development.To refresh peoples memories, a Development Cost Charge (DCC) bylaw was introduced in Rossland in December 2004. It set the amount for a single family...


Regarding your article “Speaking for Rosslanders – Council takes a stance on IPPs” and the discussion question you raise. I agree with Mr. Kenyon that this is not an issue that Rossland Council should be getting into. The letter they are proposing to send to the Provincial Government certainly does not represent my views and...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: City Administrator Resignation

Dear Editor,A leadership vacuum is developing at Rossland City Hall. As many people know by now, the City’s Administrator, Ron Campbell resigned  early last week.I wish I could provide more details about his resignation but I can’t.  I  don’t know any details.  Mayor Greg Granstrom has refused to circulate Mr. Campbell’s...


Dear editor: Just a reminder that tomorrow, Thursday March 26th, is the day of action to keep our rivers wild and our power public. Every step of the way, this campaign has been successfully pushed forward by you. Without all of us out there talking to our family, friends and neighbours, this issue wouldn't be on front pages, TV screens, and radios, and in the hearts of minds of people all across BC. Thank you for helping get the word out about the threat to our rivers and streams.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Proposed Water Rates

Dear editor, Rossland Council is in the process of adopting a water rates bylaw for 2009 that will impose significant rate increases on people who are least able to afford it - seniors living in apartments. The rate increases are based not on the amount of water used by residents in the apartments but primarily of the number...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: RDKB on Christina Lake Proposal

Dear Rachel Witter (and the many others who have voiced their comments in regard to the proposed project by Aquilini Renewable Energy): I am newly appointed as an RDKB Director as of the recent Municipal Elections. I welcome and encourage your letters and emails. I read every piece of correspondence I receive. Public input ...

LITERARY LETTER: Old Fences, New Neighbors

I’ve just finished a fascinating read: ‘Old Fences, New Neighbors’ by Peter R Decker, the story of the ranching community in the Ouray valley of SW Colorado – mountain country, beautiful and remote, but a tough place to make a living. Geographically this area is not far from the ski resort town of Telluride, and a good part...

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