

Ore cart and all, protracted downtown furniture debate ends where it began

After stalling the purchase of more than $100,000 in street furniture to top off the downtown renovations that began this time last year, council decided the idea of swapping in some pieces made by local artisans—as suggested two months ago by Coun. Kathy Wallace—was "too little too late," and the city will now buy the catalogue...

COMMENT: Free Range! Organic! Local! Or none of the above...

Are you jaded yet? When you pick up a box at the store and read "natural," does that roll-the-eyes impulse tickle your oculomotor nerves? Sure does mine, a right twitch. "Natural" hardly means natural anymore, just like "free range" seems to allow, "We left the door open to their patch of poor pasture," and "organic" means,...

Broadband initiative needs council approval as deadlines fast approach

The Broadband Task Force reported to council on Monday evening that broadband Internet holds great promise for Rossland's future competitiveness, but council must act before May 28 to proceed with the plan. Amber Hayes and Brian Fry presented the task force’s in-depth analysis of broadband and its implications for the City ...

Rossland's new sister: Surnadal, Norway, birthplace of Olaus Jeldness

Following on the (free) heels of an enormously successful 116th Winter Carnival in which the new bronze statue of Olaus Jeldness in downtown Rossland was feted by hundreds of merrymakers—including Olaus lookalikes, visiting Norwegian dignitaries, and descendants of Olaus himself—the City of Rossland and the municipality of ...

HE SAID SHE SAID: Public outcry pushes for sustainability, but council digs in its core service heels

Following council’s five hour debate on the entire budget on May 1, council was forced to pause the financial plan blitz for twenty minutes on May 6 to hear nine members of the public oppose the only major cut: approximately $20,000 axed from the Sustainability Commission (SC), terminating their paid coordinator with no...

COMMENT: Financial Plan passes with no hint of public consultation, or thought

Council approved the 2013-2017 financial plan (FP) on Wednesday morning, just one week after the bulk of debate was completed in a single unpublicized meeting on May 1.  No major changes came about in a follow-up meeting on May 6 that concluded with council passing the first three readings of this year's FP bylaw.   The major...

Downtown trash cans and more uncanned, but recanning remains possible

Council has decided to reinstate the downtown furniture budget that it had put on hold last year. The $108,000 line item includes benches, but also bike racks, recycling bins, bear-proof garbage containers, and the eclectic but contentious ore cart. Council's decision, however, stipulates that city staff will return to council...

Murdoch’s Circle: The Growing News International Scandal

by Lena Groeger | ProPublica, May 3, 5:17 p.m. From phone hacking to bribery, the corruption at News International has involved many players — increasingly, ones close to Rupert Murdoch. We’ve mapped out the players involved in this growing debacle, organized by their proximity to Rupert Murdoch, James Murdoch and other senior staff. Keep in […]

Sustainability Commission funding in flames as museum budget nearly doubles for 2013

Funding to community groups was cut by four per cent (about $14,000) relative to 2012 levels overall at Wednesday evening's committee of the whole (COW), with the Sustainability Commission taking the main hit as funding for the SC manager disappeared—ostensibly to bring the role "in house" to the city—while the city granted...

Swathes of community support scythed in the 2013 budget

The Chamber of Commerce, Tourism Rossland, the Rossland Pool Society , and the Neighbourhoods of Learning committee were all cut by five per cent relative to 2012 funding during council’s Wednesday evening committee-of-the-whole (COW), for a total expenditure of $107,540—about $5660 less than 2012. Please note: all council ...

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