

LETTER: Atamanenko replies to Yelich

Dear Editor: It is with interest that I read the comments of Minister Lynne Yelich in regard to my statement on the budget.  Rather than reiterate what I had originally said, I would like to make a few other comments.  It is certainly reassuring that Western Diversification will continue to provide effective programs.  However,...

Leaked documents ahead of key Lima meeting suggest UN body looking to slow emissions with technological fixes rather than talks

By John Vidal, guardian.co.uk Read the documents here Lighter-coloured crops, aerosols in the stratosphere and iron filings in the ocean are among the measures being considered by leading scientists for “geo-engineering” the Earth’s climate, leaked documents from the UN climate science body show. In a move that suggests the UN and rich countries are despairing […]

BC's clean technology industry poised to become star of BC economy

British Columbia’s cleantech industry is one of the province’s fastest growing industries and has the potential to be a significant economic generator by creating thousands of new high paying jobs, attracting significant new investment and generating billions of dollars in exports. These are among the findings of the Cleantech Report Card for British Columbia, conducted […]

CBT's Water Smart program connecting with Basin residents

Water Smart Ambassadors are now in 12 communities across the Basin, educating residents about water conservation and offering free residential landscape and irrigation system audits. The Columbia Basin Water Smart Initiative (Water Smart), developed by Columbia Basin Trust (CBT), helps local governments assess their water conservation needs and develops plans to reduce community water consumption. […]

Explosion in jellyfish numbers may lead to ecological disaster, warn scientists

By Tracy McVeigh, guardian.co.uk Global warming has long been blamed for the huge rise in the world’s jellyfish population. But new research suggests that they, in turn, may be worsening the problem by producing more carbon than the oceans can cope with. Research led by Rob Condon of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science in […]

Social work? More companies permit social networking on the job: survey

Tweets and “likes” are becoming more beneficial to business, a new Robert Half Technology survey suggests. More than 44 per cent of chief information officers (CIOs) surveyed said they permit employees to use social media sites like Twitter and Facebook on the job as long as it’s for business purposes. This is up from 22 […]

'Laughing' cicada among new species found in Philippines

By Sunshine Lichauco de Leon, guardian.co.uk A shark whose markings make it appear camouflaged for the desert and “laughing” cicadas are among 300 new species discovered by scientists in the Philippines. The six-week expedition of 35 US and Filipino experts led by California Academy of Sciences discovered 200 new marine invertebrates, 11 new fish, and […]

The next battle ground for oil: the rich Arctic region

By Andy Soos, ENN The potential for mineral, oil and gas deposits in the Arctic Ocean is not clearly known, but that doesn’t stop the countries that border the area from fighting over it. Russia, Canada, Denmark, and Norway are heating up discussions as ice melting in northern areas reveals more and more, allowing readier […]

Using the trees to save the forest

The largest forest carbon project in North America has a Kootenay original at its heart. The 55,000-hectare Darkwoods forest southeast of Nelson is helping the Nature Conservancy of Canada raise $4 million by selling carbon credits from it to protect the land. This sale of carbon credits is raising the bar for conservation in Canada, […]

Senate page disrupts Throne Speech

During the reading of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s throne speech last Friday , a young page was yanked from the Senate Chamber as she tried to hold up a stop sign placard reading  “Stop Harper.” “Harper’s agenda is disastrous for this country and for my generation,” Brigette Marcelle says. “We have to stop him from wasting […]

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