

Obscure US corporation may be behind BC Hydro's exaggerated power demand, ruinous IPP contracts

By Erik Anderson in The Common Sense Canadian. Why has BC Hydro gone so Big?   Over the past few years a number of us have puzzled over this question. The Crown Corporation, in most people’s minds, was given its natural monopoly status in the belief that the Board and Officers will prudently manage Hydro’s ...

City delegation optimistic after meetings in Victoria

Mayor Lawrence Chernoff, councillor Dan Rye and city manager John Malcolm returned to Castlegar optimistic after a full day of meetings with provincial ministers, ministerial staff and elected representatives May 9. Rye said the trio met with, among others, Minister of Advanced Education Naomi Yamamoto, Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation Pat Bell, opposition critic […]

The need for speed: CBT's broadband corporation brings hyper-fast Internet to the Basin

For $1250 per month Rossland could hold the reins to a municipal Internet utility that connects to a world class, open access, fibre optic network that clocks stratospheric speeds, said Mark Halwa, chief operating officer of the Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation (CBBC), to a group that gathered at the Chamber of Commerce...

Lower Columbia housing woes addressed in ten year plan

Two years of work by volunteers, funders, and a consultant have recently culminated in the release of the "attainable housing needs assessment" (pdf) and the "strategic planning project,"(pdf) by the Attainable Housing Committee of the LCCDT (Lower Columbia Community Development Team). The documents lay out a ten-year path ...

MP Atamanenko urges government to uphold ban on oil tanker traffic

Forty years ago, the Canadian government introduced a moratorium banning oil tankers from the north and central coast of British Columbia. Now with hearings taking place into the Enbridge Northern Gateway project, Alex Atamanenko, Member of Parliament for BC Southern Interior, is urging the federal government to uphold that...

BCPSEA declares teachers's recent withdrawal an unlawful strike

The B.C. Public School Employers' Association (BCPSEA) applied to the B.C. Labour Relations Board (BCLRB) Wednesday, May 9 for relief from the recent B.C. Teachers's Federation (BCTF) withdrawal of extracurricular activities. The labour relations board is expected to meet with BCPSEA at or around 9:30 a.m. on Friday, May 11...

Council approves contract with Copcan for Columbia-Washington project

Council has approved a multi-million dollar contract with Copcan Contracting Ltd. for the renovation of Columbia Ave. and Washington St. up to First Ave.—Rossland's biggest single project ever—as negotiated by CAO Victor Kumar and contract administrator Kevin Terness of ISL Engineering.The final project cost to the city of ...

Survey finds Rosslanders overwhelmingly support K-12 at RSS and MacLean closure—if they have to choose

Councillors applauded the high level of participation and the quality of data made available by the survey on school options for Rossland recently administered by the Neighbourhood of Learning (NOL) committee.The survey received input from 520 households on a wide range of issues around the potential for school closures in ...

Food Sovereignty: An idea worth fighting for

The concept of ‘Food Sovereignty’, was developed by La Via Campesina as the best way to promote social justice and human dignity.  La Via Campesina is an independent, non-partisan body of local and international organizations from 70 countries, including Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas, representing 200 million small ...

Disposal of fracking wastewater could pose environmental hazard

A recent study by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) shows that the oil and gas industry are creating earthquakes.  New information from the Midwest region of the United States points out that these man-made earthquakes are happening more frequently than expected. While more frequent earthquakes are less of a problem for regions like the […]

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