

BC pesticide committee offers misguided recommendations due to reliance on a deficient pesticide regulatory system

BC’s Special Committee on Cosmetic Pesticides reportrecommended against a ban on the sale and use of common pesticides for lawns and gardens. Prevent Cancer Nowhas reviewed the BC report. Its conclusions are based on blind faith in Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA). We believe that faith, and the...

Taylor puts marijuana back on the table at city council

A challenge to step up leadership was given to Grand Forks city council when mayor Brian Taylor asked them to join the campaign to end the prohibition of marijuana in Canada. Taylor wants council to join in with the other B.C. municipalities, now over 13 of a possible 160 and growing, in the Stop the Violence campaign. The ...

Stand up Canada

“We become civilized only by knowing what to refrain from doing.” – Nassim Taleb We have been warned. The Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline will change Canada as we know it; it is a path to a future Canada that will be an undemocratic petro state. That was the message delivered Wednesday (May 30) by award-winning author...

Council to consider a broadband fibre optic Internet service

On Monday evening, Coun. Jody Blomme expressed her "passionate" interest in hooking Rossland up to the high speed Internet framework offered by the Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation (CBBC), and council agreed with Blomme’s proposal to receive a presentation by the CBBC's chief operating officer, Mark Halwa. Halwa's...

DCCs are dead, city moves towards new ways to recover development infrastructure costs

Council finalized the repeal of both Development Cost Charges (DCCs) and the Regional District Sewer Service Cost Recovery Service (SSCR) on Monday, and now staff will begin to draft a new development charge to help the municipality recover infrastructure costs incurred by new development. Statutory approval for the DCC repeal...

New duplex to be built on St. Paul Street

Council recently rezoned 2720 St. Paul Street to "R-2S two family detached residential small lot" from "R-1I infill residential," allowing developer Kevin Fairweather of K2 Contracting Ltd to proceed with his plans to build a duplex on the 323 square metre (3477 square foot) lot. The adjacent property, 2732 St. Paul, was...

OP/ED: MP slams Tory cuts to Community Access Program funding

Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko added his voice today to the growing calls from his constituents demanding that the Conservative government reverse the cuts to the Community Access Program (CAP) hidden in the federal omnibus Budget Bill C-38 that will affect rural and low-income Canadians.   “CAP used to have more service...

The Columbia-Washington debate we never heard: Councillors reveal the reasons behind their in camera design decision

Questions continue to linger over the design for the Columbia-Washington renovation and the process that led there, particularly on the contentious issue of parallel versus angled parking, so we approached council for comment.The debate before the final decision by council to revert to angled parking and a narrower sidewalk...

Due process in the rear view mirror: Councillors consider the Columbia-Washington decision and the public's right to know

Council faced a conundrum: the final Columbia-Washington design debate involved legally sensitive tender information, but council had to balance this with highly charged public relations on parking and sidewalk issues that had generated strong—and varied—public opinions.Ultimately, council debated their final design decision...

Fire at Interfor mill controlled quickly

Les Johnson of GFTV was on hand when the Grand Forks Fire Department arrived on the scene of the Interfor Mill fire yesterday. The small fire was doused within an hour of the crew’s arrival.   Watch the video for a first hand view!

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