

Truck Stolen and Torched in Trail

On July 7, 2009 at approximately 4:00 a.m.,Trail RCMP and Fire Department were called to a vehicle fire in the 2300 block of Columbia Ave. in Trail. The 1999 Dodge pickup truck was totally destroyed and there was no damage to the surrounding area.There was no one around the truck at the time.Subsequent investigation revealed...

Visions for Small Schools: Planning for Rossland's Future

Rossland's Visions for Small Schools Society is currently working hard on options to serve their mandate to sustain excellent K-12 education here in the Mountain Kingdom. This week the group has given permission for the Telegraph to publish a working draft of a document designed to outline goals, strategies, and action plans...

With Glowing Hearts We See Thee Rise

With Glowing Hearts We See Thee Rise, the True North Strong and FreeI couldn’t think of a better lyric for a national anthem to describe the way Rossland celebrates its inclusion in the second largest country on the planet. Next Wednesday a group of hearty Rosslanders will celebrate our glorious nation of vast open spaces, ...

Arena to be iced?

The Pioneer Arena may soon become a thing of the past as the local landmark falls prey to modern expectations. Jim Crockett, Castlegar and District recreation manager, said the recreation commission recently contracted out both mechanical and structural assessments of the Pioneer and the Complex to help formulate a five- to seven-year plan for the […]

BRENDA GILL: Sleep- How to Maximize Rest and Recuperate

Sleep can be elusive for some folks. I always ask about a person’s sleep patterns, because, if you are not sleeping well, it can cause all sorts of imbalances in the body. It is extremely important that you get at least seven to eight hours per night of uninterrupted sleep so the body can recover […]

Teck Sells a Third of Waneta Dam to BC Hydro

Teck made a major move this week in its continuing efforts to restructure the company’s debt load. Late last year Teck’s debt had soared to just under $10 billion US following a seemingly ill timed $14 billion takeover of Fording coal mere days before the collapse of commodity prices. With a current agreement in place […]

UBC Recognizes Local Educator's Outstanding Contributions to Rural Education

Michael Balahura, Principal of Robson Community School, School District 20, has been awarded the UBC Marlane King and Joseph Ranallo Teaching Award for Outstanding Contributions to Rural Education. In May, 2008, a special teaching award was created by Dean Robert Tierney in the Faculty of Education at UBC to honour the work of Marlane King and Joseph Ranallo who were the Site Coordinators for the West Kootenay Teacher Education Program (WKTEP) from 1990-2008. This year, Michael Balahura was selected to receive the award. Among

Say Hello to the Rossland Mountain Market

July 4th may soon take on a new meaning in Rossland, as the day that the Rossland Foodies got their independence and opened a new farmers' market in town. While there won’t likely be fireworks, waving of the stars and stripes and parades down main street there very likely will be an explosion of fresh fruit and vegetables, ...

Truck Stolen and Torched in Trail

On July 7, 2009 at approximately 4:00 a.m.,Trail RCMP and Fire Department were called to a vehicle fire in the 2300 block of Columbia Ave. in Trail. The 1999 Dodge pickup truck was totally destroyed and there was no damage to the surrounding area.There was no one around the truck at the time. Subsequent investigation revealed...

KAST Presents Star Lab Planetarium

The Kootenay Association for Science & Technology and the HR Macmillan Space Centre are please to be bringing the Star Lab Planetarium Tour to the Kootenays. Whether you’re interested in looking at constellations, understanding the seasons, or exploring the Solar System, Starlab: The Portable Planetarium brings astronomy to life in our backyard. KAST is proud to be able to share these wonders with our communities with a free family evening, June 12, from 7-10pm at Selkirk College, Castlegar Campus.

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