


spack·le    [spak-uhl]  Sh (initial capital letter) Trademark . a brand of quick-drying, plasterlike material used to fill holes, small cracks and other minor surface defects Some of the digital tools available today seem to help us overlook dire problems in order to expedite trivial tasks. The series of Windows Cloud commercials are prime time offenders. The ad with the exasperated mother desperately trying to air brush […]

Gnarly new bylaws roll into action: Doggy do-do’s become doggy don’t-don’ts

What does a local puppy have in common with Rossland's ace roller derby team Gnarlie's Angels? Only the fact that both are now part of an innovative approach to bylaw enforcement in the Golden City. Vacant for more than two years, the City of Rossland’s arguably toughest job (that of bylaw officer) has been filled as part of...

U.S.’s shifting stance on arming rebels: Once ‘illegal,’ but what now?

By Marian Wang in ProPublica   As the Obama administration grapples with whether to arm the Libyan rebels, it has several things to consider—not least of which is the question of if doing so would be legal. The State Department had been pretty clear about the matter earlier this month, with then-spokesman P.J. Crowley telling […]

Government data reveals hundreds of B.C. grizzlies killed by humans in 2010

New government data shows that more than 300 grizzly bears were killed in British Columbia last year, mostly as a result of trophy hunting. Released by the David Suzuki Foundation at the start of B.C.’s spring bear hunt, official government records indicate 317 grizzlies died at the hands of humans in 2010. Almost four out […]

Highway Three to be studied. Local Mayors see expansion of highway as key to economic growth.

Highway three. It’s the east-west road in and out of the Kootenays and the southern route from the lower mainland to Alberta. It both brings traffic to our area as well as takes traffic away from our area. As the primary transportation link to the southern portion of the province it is in many ways […]

VIDEO: Atamanenko addresses public forum on CETA

On February 11, the Nelson Chapter of the Council of Canadians held a public forum on CETA, the latest trade agreement that the Canadian Government is negotiating with the European Union at Nelson United Church. Guest speakers were Peter Julian, the NDP International Trade Critic along with Alex Atamanenko, our local MP. A three part […]

How it played out: Earth Hour 2011’s numbers locally, provincially, and nationally

According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the organization behind international phenomenon Earth Hour, a billion people on this planet turned out their lights to celebrate the event’s third year and show support for action against global climate change. Locally, the hour in the dark also seems to have been a success, though...

Composting contractors in the blue bin? Council asks for more info on companies seeking Columbia Ave work

Rosslanders will doubtless be happy to know that ISL Engineering staff compost in their Langley office. But despite much such massaging of our sustainability sweet spot in the engineers' appeals, a rather confused council requested a lot more information Monday before proceeding with a contractor choice for the Columbia Avenue...

Storm conditions push backcountry avalanche hazard to considerable

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily Although avalanche conditions in the West Kootenay backcountry have been moderate for the last few days they will climb to considerable Wednesday as new snow and wind will set up touchy wind slabs near ridge tops, the Canadian Avalanche Centre reports. James Floyer of the CAC said anticipated snowfall […]

Success by Six: Making life better for local families despite funding crunch

They may not be Whitney Houston, but, yes, they do firmly believe that children are our future and despite a 10% cut to their provincial funding this year, the Success by Six program, now formally in its eight year of operation in BC, continues to do more with less.  The news of a funding cut isn’t all bad for the group,...

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