

KIJHL Notebook: Neil Murdoch Division

Neil Murdoch Division Grand Forks Border Bruins head coach-general manager Dave Hnatiuk feels they had a pretty solid first half. “The games we dropped were lessons for us to learn and areas that we need to make sure we can be prepared for in the future,” he said. Hnatiuk added every player finds their groove […]

Nelson police seek info about ceremonial rifles stolen from cadet lockers

The Nelson Police Department is investigating a break, enter and theft of numerous items including multiple rifles. These rifles are not considered ‘firearms’ under the criminal code, but the police are concerned that they appear to be real and operating firearms. Police believe the break-in to the Eagles Hall on Baker Street, Nelson occurred sometime […]

50 years of Women in the RCMP – Const. Britteny George

Growing up in a small town in Red Deer County policed by the RCMP, Cst. Britteny George always knew she wanted to become a police officer and for her, becoming a Mountie was the obvious choice. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of women police officers in the RCMP, Cst. George has shared some insights into […]

Selkirk College Practical Nursing Program Graduates First Cohort

Filling an essential gap in the region’s frontline health care needs, the first cohort of graduates from Selkirk College’s Practical Nursing Program are now out in communities making a difference. Spurred by staff shortages across the sector, the Provincial Government provided funding for new seats at post-secondary institutions across British Columbia in late-2022. Students in […]

Trail RCMP 2024 fourth quarter and year-end stats bring good news on some fronts

Trail RCMP have released their 2024 statistics, reporting a total of 5,533 calls for service in 2024, down from 5883 in 2023. Detachment commander Sgt. Mike Wicentowich said this is a significant drop. “Overall, when compared to the past 5 years, this is the lowest number of calls for service that the Trail and Greater […]

BCHP looking for witnesses and video after Boxing Day head-on crash kills a woman near Cranbrook

A woman is dead and three people are seriously hurt after a collision near Cranbrook, and BC Highway Patrol needs your help to learn exactly what happened. The collision happened on December 26, 2024, just after 7:30 p.m. on Highway 3/95 near Stropky Road, Cranbrook, BC, when a southbound black Cadillac Escalade collided with a […]

Celebrating One Year of RDKB HomeSmart

As RDKB HomeSmart reaches its first anniversary, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary is celebrating the free program’s success in supporting homeowners across the region. Since its launch in January 2024, RDKB HomeSmart has built strong, positive relationships with participants, collaborated with many local programs, and recently launched a first-of-its-kind guidance document. RDKB HomeSmart was […]

Nurse impersonator sentenced to 7 years in prison

A West Shore RCMP investigation that began in 2021, involving a woman who impersonated as a nurse, has led to her being convicted for several crimes, according to Cpl. Nancy Saggar. “West Shore RCMP Serious Crimes Unit investigated 52-year old Brigitte Cleroux for using stolen and forged documents and impersonating as a nurse while working […]

LETTER: Act Now to end the Cable Ferry Strike that puts residents’ safety and wellbeing at profound risk

To: Andres Barker, Associate Chair, BC Labour Relations Board Dear Mr. BarkerMy name is Jana Malinek and I am a senior resident of Glade, BC. I am appalled and deeply concerned about the impact of the recent decision by the British Columbia Labour Relations Board (LRB), Kootenay Lake Ferry Division (Western Pacific Marine Ltd., 2024 BCLRB 180) […]

DriveSmart BC: New Year's Resolutions 2025

Do you make new year’s resolutions? I decided that I should this year and because of my interest, why not make it on my driving. With a little thought I resolved to take more time to scan my surroundings carefully before I did something like make a lane change or move away from a stop […]

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