

WALKING THE WALK: Down on Kerby's farm

Thirty-five years ago, Bob and Judy Kerby purchased a house on a 11-acre farm overlooking Rossland’s picturesque Happy Valley.  Judy, who hailed from Vancouver, had always dreamed of having a farm and living a sustainable lifestyle, and the spot they found boasted an orchard of 80 fruit and nut trees planted back in 1916 and...

2010 worst year for Afghanistan since US invasion

The Afghanistan Rights Monitor (ARM), an Afghan human-rights group, stated yesterday that 2010 was the worst year in terms of violence for the country since US-led troops occupied the country in 2001.The ARM says that civilian deaths have risen and that Taliban insurgents have not been defeated despite a surge in troops in ...

Gaza Strip aid ship departs Greece, diverts to Egypt

 he Amalthea, renamed the Hope for its mission as an aid ship carrying goods bound for the Gaza Strip, departed the Greek port of Lavrio yesterday, but is reportedly diverting away from its original destination and now plans to dock at the Egyptian port of el-Arish.The ship was chartered by Gaddafi International Charity and...

Mountain Kingdom Reno: embracing the mystery...er, misery

Townsfolk! Warmer, drier days are upon us. Like rapidly dwindling stocks of fresh water, your hesitation to undertake nagging home projects must evaporate, your ambivalence toward leaky faucets and sagging eaves troughs need to slow to a trickle. You must channel your inner handy-person through the canal-like locks of a banal...

Severe heat wave blankets northeastern US

 The Northeastern region of the United States has been blanketed by a severe heat wave since Sunday, with temperatures predicted to reach over a hundred degrees Fahrenheit Tuesday.The US National Weather Service (NWS) issued warnings of severe heat for most of the East Coast as well as some inland states, which are predicted...

And there shall be signs - new Rossland signs just the beginning

Rossland has often been thought of as an invisible city when it comes to signage. However, during the past two weeks three giant leaps forward have been taken to changing that perception. Commissioned by Tourism Rossland in 2008, the “Way-finding signage strategy” is a five year project designed to improve the oriented...

Wildfire Protection Work Gearing Up

City-owned land parcels located adjacent to Iron Colt, Black Bear, South Belt and both sides of the Star Gulch reservoir will soon be getting a haircut. Rather than a little off the top, however, it will be a little off the bottom as the Fire-Start Fuel Treatment Project gets underway.   This past winter, all three Regional...

Rossland Mountain Market: Bringing Rossland's OCP to life

In various pockets around town the ideas, visions and concepts developed over the past few years in the Visions to Actions process that created Rossland's Strategic Sustainability Plan and our new Official Community Plan are coming to life. These initiatives stand to serve as the initial building blocks of creating the future...

The Summer Reading Club would like to inform you of the following: Reading Rocks!

 The Rossland Public Library  Summer Reading Club program will officially launch July 7th and will continue up to August 27th. This year’s theme is “Reading Rocks!” The Summer Reading Club (SRC) is a non-profit, provincial program made available to the youth of our communities free each summer reaching over 80,000 young British...

Obama dismisses US military commander in Afghanistan

General Stanley McChrystal, the top military commander for the US army in Afghanistan, was dismissed by president Barack Obama Wednesday, over controversial comments he made in an interview with a magazine.McChrystal will be replaced by General David Petraeus. The move was made after McChrystal and the president held a...

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