

Topographical maps for backcountry skiers...and more!

The Recreation Department will be working on the Spring Brochure in the next two weeks.  If you would like to run a program with the REC Department, please give us a call or drop by to discuss your ideas.  The deadline for submitting a program description is Friday, Feb. 10. With Winter Carnival at the end of the month, the...

EthicalOil.org and the Harper Government

The various spokespeople for supposed "grassroots" pro-Tar Sands and pipeline organization EthicalOil.org have steadfastly maintained their campaign has no connection to the oil and gas industry or the Harper Government. But as the links between these groups continue to pile up, that contention becomes harder and harder to ...

Columbia River Treaty: Local governments collaborate on community engagement and ducation

“The Columbia River Treaty has influenced the geography, economy and social fabric of this region since it was ratified in 1964. It’s critical that the people who live in the Columbia Basin understand the treaty-past, present and future-and that there are mechanisms for local views to be considered in any potential discussion...

New Poll Results Released: Canadian Cancer Society calls on BC government to protect youth by restricting indoor tanning for those under 18

With a new poll showing strong public support for regulations which would prohibit youth under 18 from using indoor tanning equipment, the Canadian Cancer Society is calling on the BC government to introduce legislation as soon as possible in order to protect the health of BC’s youth.  “The BC government has the ability to ...

Participatory democracy or puppet mastery? Open government in Rossland … or not?

 In the lead-up to Rossland's recent municipal elections, all the candidates clamoured to speak in favour of greater transparency in local government machinations and to pledge allegiance to the principles of open communication and public consultation. It is fitting, then, that a controversy over the exclusion of council (and...

More questions than answers as Rossland's mayor apologizes for failing to consult with council

Mayor Greg Granstrom ended council's regular meeting on Monday with a brief apology for bypassing council consultation as he and CAO Victor Kumar ploughed ahead with a grant application for a $5 million dollar indoor swimming pool—but Granstrom made no mention of the $25,000 spent on the application without proper authorization.The...

Who is the CAO, what does he do, and what's his contract with Rossland?

The swimming pool controversy was sparked by a faulty process in which the CAO and the mayor neglected to consult council on important city matters, both strategic and financial, but now many Rosslanders are asking more fundamental questions, like "who is the CAO, what does he do, and what's in his contract?"Here we try and...

LEGENDS AND TALES OF THE MOUNTAIN KINGDOM: I Fought the Law and the Law Won, Part Two--Jack Ingram

About a year ago, I wrote a column about John Kirkup, Rossland’s first official lawman. I gave accounts of some of his exploits and tried to provide a sense of this big man’s personality around town. Kirkup didn’t have a long tenure as keeper of local law and order; he was apparently not popular with the politicians of the ...

Measuring our progress: An Energy Diet update

Without a doubt, Rosslanders are a hearty bunch as evidenced by the many of you that braved the storm in November to exchange your lights for energy efficient alternatives. In total, 152 strings of holiday lights were collected and 325 CFLS exchanged. If all of these lights are used to replace incandescent bulbs, Rosslanders...

BRAZIL: Murder of indigenous child provokes reaction

This post is part of our special coverage Indigenous Rights. The murder of an eight year old child from the Awa-Gwajá indigenous community, allegedly burnt alive [pt] by loggers in the state of Maranhão, Brazil, has caused outrage throughout the Internet, as well as disbelief by many in the face of such cruelty. The Indigenous...

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