

Mayor to meet with CBSA over Canada Day comments

Grand Forks mayor Brian Taylor will be meeting with officials from the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) after comments he made during his annual Canada Day speech this year. Taylor openly criticized the CBSA for being too tough on American tourists and locals, thereby making the border crossing experience a “frightening”...

Free ice cream and laundry lines at this week's farmers' market to celebrate a successful Energy Diet

FortisBC will be out in force at this week's Mountain Market to celebrate Rossland's "impressive losses after six months on an energy diet" that has so far helped "to shed excess electricity and natural gas" usage in the city, said Nicole Bogdanovic of FortisBC.Exactly how much the Rossland Energy Diet shed will be announced...

Local man in custody after broad-daylight sexual assault in downtown Trail

A sexual assault in downtown Trail in the middle of the afternoon this weekend saw police identify and arrest a suspect within hours of the incident, according to RCMP Sgt. Rob Hawton. “On Sunday …at approximately 1:50 p.m., a young lady in her late teens was sitting on a bench on Cedar Avenue in Trail, when she was approached...

Crowd demands answers from mining proponents

Proposed environmental and safety precautions are not enough for residents along the Granby River north of Grand Forks to believe that a granite mine, whose products are heading to China, should proceed. “The negative impacts far outweigh the benefits to this community or to Canada,” said Dana Riester who lives near the bluff....

Don't see no CCC? Development charge regulations replaced indefinitely by negotiations

The "CCCs"—Service Capacity Connection Charges—suggested by city staff in 2011 to replace DCCs—Development Cost Charges—appear to have fallen off the table, replaced instead by "flexible" negotiations."I am very curious about the Capacity Connection Charges," Coun. Kathy Moore said during members' reports at last week's regular...

LETTER: Thanks to Rosslanders for support

Dear editor, When people give of their time, their energy and their heart, they deserve special recognition and a personal thank you.  The residents of Rossland and the Canadian Cancer Society volunteers who sold daffodils, daffodil pins and went door to door exemplify those people. The Rossland Unit of the Canadian Cancer ...

Green light for a green room in the Miners' Hall attic

The Miners' Hall may soon have a "green room" above the stage thanks to the efforts and fundraising of the Rossland Council for Arts and Culture (RCAC) volunteers.Renate Fleming of the RCAC explained that a green room "is the place where performers get ready for performance and where they spend time between performances to ...

Our minds, ourselves, and our constructed reality

Thanks to a recent Nelson council meeting, everyone is focused on the subject of drugs. Adrian Barnes‘ June 30 opinion piece is an example, and another is a letter in the Star. I quote that letter by K.M. Sykes: …it’s paramount to ask the right [questions}, the deeper ones, the ones that embrace a higher level of awareness…...

Speaking truth to crazy

Truth be told, the truth is elusive. It can never be “final” since it is grounded in the human mindset and limited to facts known at a point in time. As more details become known, social attitudes and customs change and a new truth emerges. This is our life story, yet humans hunger for a reality that is anchored to our senses....

UPGRADE UPDATE: Nearing the peak

Rossland is now at the peak of this summer’s construction.  We will see another big week with the area being worked on spanning most of our downtown.  Asphalt milling will be taking place on the South side of Columbia as well as Washington.  The waterline is being installed from Queen to St. Paul and should be finished this...

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