

In go the storm lines, out go the sidewalks

The sewer, water and storm main lines are completed on Columbia Ave. Now water, sewer and storm lines will be tied to the businesses, under the existing sidewalk, along the north side of Columbia. This will be completed as sidewalk removal is done. The sidewalk removal will start at St. Paul and move west. Sidewalk removal ...

GOING, GOING, GONE: Sold to the Conservatives

The budget implementation act (Bill C-38), all 400 pages of it, was the latest in a long string of legislative initiatives to have debate limited by time allocation.  Like too many other bills that parliament has been forced to fast-track, C-38 was bloated, omnibus and strayed in too many directions.  New Democrats demanded...

Calling all innovators, inventors, creatives and entrepreneurs: Nominations are open for the KAST Spirit of Innovation Awards

Have you developed a  new or innovative product or service?  Implemented an innovative process or system?  Turned your idea into a new venture? Tell us all about it in your nomination for the Spirit of Innovation Awards. Join KAST in celebrating Regional Heroes of Innovation by nominating yourself, your company, or another,...

Copper theft sent a curve ball with new regulations requiring ID

A new provincial regulation aimed at stopping copper thieves in their tracks has scrap metal dealers doubtful. The new law came into effect yesterday, Monday, July 23, requiring the more than 60 BC scrap metal dealers to ask for and record the identification of anyone selling high-value metals like copper to them. That...

UPDATED: Youth dead as storm wreaks havoc across the Boundary

  Christina Lake is mourning one of its children after trees toppled by near gale-force winds crushed a cabin at the local summer camp.  The 11-year-old boy has not been identified and the details of his injuries are not yet available pending notification of next of kin, explained Sgt Dan Seibel of the Kootenay Boundary...

New Stones book celebrates 50 years of rock and roll

  Through their long and wild career, The Rolling Stones have made their mark on our culture; from epic albums to famously bad behavior. Over their 50 year history, journalists have collected a treasure trove of material, but none more prolific than music journalist Hanspeter Kuenzler. The eBook People (www.theebookpeople.com)...

Officials say free ride for squatters costs the environment

Human waste, unattended fires and toxic litter often accompanies seasonal squatters in the Boundary. It happens every year -- people who are down on their luck set up house along a river bank or in the bush to save themselves rent and utility costs while the weather is good. Their activity may seem harmless enough but it is...

Rossland's Energy Diet sparks a trend

The "Rossland Energy Diet," a unique energy-saving program that brought notable local rewards and has started to draw provincial and national attention, has celebrated great success in “phase one" and will now move into "phase two."A crowd gathered under a large tent beside the Rossland Mountain Market on July 12 to hear the...

Grand Forks B & B owners held responsible for human rights violation

A gay couple from Vancouver was awarded over $4500 for discrimination in a  B.C. Human Rights Tribunal decision yesterday after being refused Grand Forks accommodations in 2009. The decision, by Tribunal member Enid Marion, found that Les and Susan Molnar, operating the Riverbend Bed and Breakfast business at the time, were...

"No means no" ... or does it? Council grapples with slippery TALC plebiscite results

Some 491 Rossland residents—approximately one-fifth of the voting public—cast ballots in a plebiscite in June that asked if they were in favour of municipal financial contributions to the Trail Aquatic and Leisure Centre (TALC), and whether they actually planned to use TALC. Council had varying opinions on how to interpret ...

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