

Finding Mika's Voice: local family raises funds to take cutting-edge training for autism

Full-size, mounted canvas prints of this Stéphanie Gauvin original are available for only $100 to help support Geneviève Fortin's efforts to attend a unique and intensive course in New York to help her daughter Mika progress with her autism."Mika is amazing," Fortin said. "She loves music, loves people, loves being outside,...

Black bear statistics show crunch is yet to come

Statistics from the Report All Poachers and Polluters (RAPP) hotline suggest that the fall glut of bears is yet to come despite a recent lull in the Rossland-Trail area. The graphs below are assembled from BearAware's provincial facebook page and show 2011 (red) and 2012 (green) statistics for black bear sightings in various...

New gardener grows reams of greens in small 4x8 community plot

"That's the first carrot I've pulled out ever!" said Dave Thoss, excitedly waving a fat, firm carrot sparkling with good, clean dirt. "Looks okay, hey?" Thoss had never gardened before this season, but friends convinced him to give it a try at the community garden in Jubilee Park north of Rossland Secondary School. He went ...

UPGRADE UPDATE: Service tie-ins and sidewalk removal

This week’s priority task on Columbia Ave is the tying in of services (water/sewer/storm) to the buildings on the north side of Columbia Ave.  After services tie-ins are complete, sidewalk in front of the building(s) can be fully removed.  On Washington St., the water main installation is a priority followed by next week’s ...

Rossland pool’s 80th birthday party!

The 80th Birthday Party at the Rossland Pool will be on Wednesday, August 15th.  There are lots of fun activities planned for the day!   1:00-4:00pm - Birthday Cake, games, races and contests for the kids 4:00-5:00pm - Family swim for little people and their parents 5:00-6:00pm -  Red Cross Swim Lessons with an Olympic Twist...

Canada and Afghanistan

As we approach 2014 Canada will be preparing to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan.  However, at the request of the US Pentagon, the Prime Minister has opened the door to leaving behind a contingent of Canadian Special Forces beyond the NATO withdrawal date to assist with Afghan Commando training. Our Special Forces have ...

Rock Creek woodlot manager wins top provincial award for second time

George Dore's ethical, innovative and insightful woodlot management style has earned him the top provincial Minister's Award of Excellence for Woodlot Management for the second time. "It's humbling to get it a second time," said Dore, who also took home the prestigious award in 2003. The Rock Creek resident, now 65, manages...

Return to PST should prompt tax reform, says Fraser Institute

If BC wants to reduce the negative effects that reintroducing the provincial sales tax will have on the province’s investment climate, it should consider exempting all business inputs from the PST, among other reforms, says Charles Lammam, Fraser Institute associate director of tax and budget policy research. The recommendations...

Women's rights activist won't be silenced by right wing political tactics

By: Wikinews In an opinion piece published by CNN on Tuesday, Georgetown University law student and women's rights advocate Sandra Fluke insisted she will not allow slurs from critics to silence her and other women from continuing to speak out on issues regarding women's health and contraception. Fluke has faced slurs and...

COMMENT: A potpourri of points-of-view at a liberally spiced political potluck

MP Alex Atamanenko and his wife Ann joined more than 20 Rosslanders for a potluck on Tuesday evening to discuss Canada under the current Conservative leadership and the strategies concerned Canadians can use to turn our nation in a different (i.e. better, brighter) direction. Andy Morel's house was abuzz with moose burgers,...

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