

COMMENT: Flaherty talks another bank into higher mortgage rates

By: Rob McLister, Canada Mortgage Trends On Friday, Manulife Bank posted its lowest rate ever on a 5-year fixed mortgage, 2.89%. It lasted for four days. When our big brothers at the Department of Finance (DoF) caught wind of it, they dialed up Manulife and swayed the bank into raising its rate back to 3.09%. “We don’t want...

Car accident requires Jaws of Life and rope rescue

Specialized rescue skills were required to help a motorist near Fruitvale this morning, according to Trail RCMP Sgt. Rob Hawton. “A driver was heading east-bound in an SUV on Hwy 3B just west of the connector to Castlegar, at about 10:30 a.m.” he said. “He hit some slush that pulled his tires and pulled him over the bank,...

"Throwing the book" at dangerous dogs in Rossland

The owner of a pair of dogs that mauled a cat in Rossland has been issued a $1000 fine and risks having his dogs labeled “dangerous” if another incident occurs, a distinction that comes with strict limitations to the dogs. A separate attack was also reported, but the owner, Dr. Roland Proctor, denies the second occurrence and...

Inaugural Rattlecat Cup shakes core Red Mountain one-plankers

The "Rattlecat Shred Posse" dug into Red Mountain last weekend for the hill's first-ever banked slalom snowboard event, sending 110 riders in timed runs down 35 steep corners carved into the gully on rider's left of the Face of Red. "It was a great time," said co-organizer Scott Reynolds who we caught up to at the Snowboard...

COMMENT: Ecowarriors and Comrades in Farms

In my personal affairs these days there's been a real Spring climax of amazing new life. With luck, six of my eight does will have kids in a month or two. (The owner of the buck I borrowed this winter assured me of Bradley's vital mojo, but we'll see!) The chickens are laying again after a winter molt, the baby bunnies have...

Easy as 1-2-3: Downtown doggy leniancy comes with animal control crackdown

Rossland’s new animal control bylaw blitzed through first, second, and third reading on Monday evening. Neither the press nor the mayor were present for the committee-of-the-whole meeting (COW) in which the new version of the animal bylaw was discussed—these meetings are open and advertised to the public—but the major change...

Protecting pooch (and other pets) now part of emergency paradigm

We've all heard the stories about the faithful pooches who smell smoke and save their families from burning to death by waking everyone in time to get out. But what happens if good ol' Rover (or Fido or Spot) ends up suffering from smoke inhalation, or has a weak heart that can't bear up under the strain of emergency? The...

FortisBC PowerSense asks residents to turn every hour into an 'Earth Hour'

For the fifth consecutive year, FortisBC is encouraging individuals and communities to pledge to reduce electricity and natural gas use during Earth Hour from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. March 23. “FortisBC PowerSense encourages customers to turn every hour into an ‘Earth Hour’ by making impactful changes that can reduce energy use and...

2012 was the best year ever for tourism in the Mountain Kingdom!

Tourism Rossland is delighted to announce that accommodation revenue for 2012 was the highest yet recorded!  In 2012 total Rossland accommodation revenue based on the Additional Hotel Room Tax was $2,947,101 up from $1,914,703 in 2006 when we first began to track it, which  represents a 54% increase over 7 years.  Additionally...

COMMENT: Blueberry Creek Community School is a great community service

From the outside Blueberry Creek Community School (BCCS) looks like any typical small older rural elementary school but BCCS is anything but typical. BCCS is a Ministry of Education designated Neighbourhood of Learning and a Ministry of Children and Family Development designated Community HUB. Both ministerial designations ...

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