

Council's swansong

Meeting of outgoing Council, held November 24, 2014. Present:  Outgoing mayor Greg Granstrom; outgoing councillors Jill Spearn, Kathy Moore, and Jody Blomme. Public Input Period: Fletcher Quince thanked Council for their time and dedication over the past three years, acknowledged that he is "not always the easiest person" and...

Social media credited, in part, with finding missing little boy

Social media proved its power on Nov. 19, becoming an instrumental tool in helping to find a missing 10-year-old Castlegar boy in Trail (his name is being withheld to protect his and his family’s privacy). At roughly 6:30 p.m., RCMP Cpl. Dave Johnson contacted The Source and asked the word be spread about a missing child....

CP Rail response doesn't track for council

At its first regular meeting since the election, city council expressed frustration over a less-than-satisfactory response from CP Rail regarding a new schedule of night trains running through the region. This, after CP Rail sent a delegation to council's regular meeting on Oct. 6 attended by more than 100 upset residents, ...

LETTER: Winterfest committee explains why cancellation stands

Further to the Public Notice issued on Nov. 20, from the Winterfest Organizing Committee, Winterfest will remain cancelled for 2014. After continued discussion and consideration of potential options for hosting Winterfest 2014 at a different location, it has been determined that alternative arrangements for the annual parade,...

COMMENT: CUPE looks for alternate venue for Winterfest

The following is a press release issued by CUPE local 2262: We all love Winterfest and your Castlegar city workers know that it's an important annual community event. Unfortunately, the unresolved labour dispute with the City of Castlegar would put the usual ceremony behind a legal picket line. Given this, CUPE Local 2262 is...

LETTER: Winterfest committee cancels annual event

The Winterfest Organizing Committee regrets to inform our community that the 19th Annual Winterfest Family Celebration has been cancelled due to planned labour action by striking CUPE City workers during the event. The Committee decided to cancel the event after hearing that some participants would not continue in the event...

COMMENT: Remembrance Day and different versions of respect for those who died

This year I was at the Nelson cenotaph for my tenth consecutive appearance with a placard promoting peace and questioning government war policies; I was physically threatened. I have been doing this for 10 years, since 2005, when our Afghan Mission got bloodier. This was the first time someone tried to grab hold of my sign,...

Listen up, Horatio*

  “Sometimes the light’s just shinin’ on me, Other times I can barely see.”                  -- Grateful Dead, Truckin’    The Greatness of Historical Leaders: Men and their Moments.   Have you ever wondered at the sheer good luck some of the so-called “Great Men of History” have enjoyed? Have you noticed how sometimes the ...

CUPE to picket Winterfest

Ed. Note: This is a press release issued by CUPE via Marketwire: With the ongoing labour dispute and the City's refusal to bargain, CUPE city workers will be maintaining picket lines during Winterfest, including the planned tree lighting on December 5. CUPE 2262 president Leford Lafayette said that members regret that they ...

Rossland Range management plan approved!

FORRThe Province (Recreation Sites and Trails Branch of the Ministry of Forests) has accepted the community’s proposed management plan for the new Rossland Range Recreation Site in the mountains between Red Mountain Resort and the summit of Mt. Crowe. After 12 years of effort by the community through the Friends of the Rossland...

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