

Column: Oil and climate change

It’s easy to think we’re beyond denial over the climate crisis, now that even oil industry executives are talking about taking it seriously. But, as with many politicians, what industry leaders say publicly often belies what they’re doing behind the scenes.   An investigation by Greenpeace project Unearthed has drawn the...

Column: Blueberry River First Nations court case victory and what it means

A recent momentous court victory for Blueberry River First Nations could put Canada on track to realizing key Truth and Reconciliation Commission “calls to action.”   Two of those are for government to “fully adopt and implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as the framework for reconciliation”...

Kootenay Savings continues tradition of giving

With summer on the horizon, Kootenay Savings is providing a financial boost to community organizations throughout the Kootenays to help enrich the lives of residents across the region. “Twice a year, in the spring and the fall, our Community Foundation receives many inspiring grant applications for community programs and...

Fruitvale now a Living Wage Employer: challenges other municipalities

People working for the Village of Fruitvale can share a certain amount of pride knowing that their local government is taking steps to reduce poverty in their community. The Village of Fruitvale is now a Living Wage Employer. “This just made sense. We made a commitment to providing a good quality of life for our employees and...

KAST bids farewell to executive director Sean Smillie

 The Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST) congratulates Executive Director, Sean Smillie, on his return to the video game industry for an exciting new role as an executive producer for a Quebec and Los Angeles-based game studio. The Board will miss Smillie’s driven nature and positive leadership and appreciates...

City of Rossland accepting applications for permissive tax exemptions

The City of Rossland recognizes the significant value of organizations and groups in our community who provide worthwhile programs and services to our residents. A permissive tax exemption, provided under Section 224 of the Community Charter, is a means for Council to support organizations within the community that further ...

KAST and Selkirk College Release Kootenay Technology Sector Assessment 2020

The Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST) and Selkirk College’s Applied Research and Innovation Centre (ARIC) have been working together to measure the tech sector’s impact and its economic health within the region. Thanks to funding from Mitacs Accelerate and the BC Rural Dividend Program, we are thrilled ...

KC Recycling Opens New Recycling Operation in Metal Tech Alley

KC Recycling Ltd. has been awarded $852,000 from the CleanBC Plastics Action Fund to jumpstart a $1.2 million plant upgrade, which will create a circular solution to recycling the plastic cases on car batteries already processed at the Trail, BC operation. This May, the largest recycler of automotive batteries in the Pacific...

Loggers, protesters spar: Logging companies condemn contractors' altercation with protesters

An altercation between logging contractors and activists in the Walbran Valley this week where an Indigenous man was allegedly assaulted and racial slurs hurled at protesters is being condemned as “completely unacceptable” by the company and First Nation that own the forestry tenure. Huumiis Ventures, a Huu-ay-aht First Nation...

COUNCIL MATTERS: Rossland City Council meetings, April 19, 2021

Tax rates and Five Year Plan;  moving a garden;  new art;  Mid-town Transition Project tender awarded;  pool times; more Disc Golf;  juggling ice time;  please don’t poison the bees; and the full RDKB report Present for both meetings:  Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors Chris Bowman,...

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