

COUNCIL MISCELLANY: Rossland’s budget still not on the radar, Dog doo piled wide and deep, and Miners’ Hall facelift gets a nod

Did someone say budget? May 15 deadline fast approaches There’s still no sign of a budget discussion at council as the May 15 filing deadline for municipal financial plans approaches.   Coun. Kathy Moore said, "I'm agitated that it's now April and we haven't started any serious discussion on our budget."   She asked if there...

Local, artisinal furniture downtown? Council leans towards hand-crafted character over cookie-cutter catalogue pieces

Despite the mayor’s protests, council decided emphatically on Monday evening to delay a decision to spend $100,000 on downtown street furniture until detailed finances on the Columbia-Washington renovations are available. Council discussion also quickly galvanized around an idea presented by Coun. Kathy Wallace that local...

COMMENT: Flaherty talks another bank into higher mortgage rates

By: Rob McLister, Canada Mortgage Trends On Friday, Manulife Bank posted its lowest rate ever on a 5-year fixed mortgage, 2.89%. It lasted for four days. When our big brothers at the Department of Finance (DoF) caught wind of it, they dialed up Manulife and swayed the bank into raising its rate back to 3.09%. “We don’t want...

Thoughtstream rockets to success

Thoughtstream, a comprehensive online stakeholder engagement system, makes the Rocket Builders 11th annual Ready to Rocket list. The list names 25 private BC companies positioned for growth in the rapidly growing information and communications technology sector. The evolution of the online survey, Thoughtstream supports leaders...

COMMENT: Ecowarriors and Comrades in Farms

In my personal affairs these days there's been a real Spring climax of amazing new life. With luck, six of my eight does will have kids in a month or two. (The owner of the buck I borrowed this winter assured me of Bradley's vital mojo, but we'll see!) The chickens are laying again after a winter molt, the baby bunnies have...

Easy as 1-2-3: Downtown doggy leniancy comes with animal control crackdown

Rossland’s new animal control bylaw blitzed through first, second, and third reading on Monday evening. Neither the press nor the mayor were present for the committee-of-the-whole meeting (COW) in which the new version of the animal bylaw was discussed—these meetings are open and advertised to the public—but the major change...

Redstone development to break new ground

Despite some opposition from Redstone residents, council has approved the golf resort's plan to rezone and develop the land across from the clubhouse. Third and final reading of the Official Community Plan (OCP) and zoning amendments on Feb. 25 was preceded by a public hearing in which Aldo Sterpin and Vince Pasemco raised ...

Rossland Carshare: Survey kicks the tires on a flexible and affordable transportation option

The Kootenay Carshare Cooperative (KCC) may open a Rossland branch thanks to Sustainability Commission (SC) efforts, but first there must be a clear signal of interest from the community. “Rossland is pretty much the ideal town for car sharing," said Alex Loeb, the SC carshare lead. "We’re asking interested businesses and...

COUNCIL MISCELLANY: Here come ‘attended’ dogs and mountain markets...

Rossland Council's Feb. 25 meeting put a new animal bylaw in motion, heard an appeal from the museum, moved the farmers’ market back downtown, reset the Cook Ave. development, dove into a new recreation bursary program, and agreed to the possibility of a taxation increase to fund a reserve for the hospital in Trail. Public ...

Council Miscellany—Budgets, Grants, and Columbia Ave. Negotiations

Council's Feb. 13 meeting was marked by the 70-odd people who turned up to advocate for the continued funding of the Kootenay Columbia Trails Society, which triggered an idea by Coun. Cary Fisher that grabbed the rest of council. In other news, the city is now preparing for imminent 2013 budget discussions, a grant for...

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