REVIEW: Paranormal Activity 2 abnormally un-scary
There is a scene in Paranormal Activity 2 which, I believe, represents the entire movie. It's a shot of the baby Hunter's bedroom with that very baby lying in his crib. As soon as I saw this I thought to myself, 'that poor baby is going to float in the air' and lo and behold a minute later that baby floated. How did I know?...
Castlegar has bigger worries than a luncheon of Campbell's Coup
I think most of us can safely bet the farm on which news story will be dominating B.C. media in the coming weeks – but I hope it doesn’t distract Castlegar from the huge looming issues our community will face over the same timeframe, regardless who holds power in Victoria. Truth be told, with the […]
Waiting for Oz: RLOP Warms up with original dinner theatre show
At the height of ski season, after an influx of skiers from far away swells the population of Rossland, February 2011 will see an influx of another kind: the short, high-pitched voice kind, the witchy kind, and the kind missing key major organs most of us could not survive without. I am not talking about anything Halloween-related...
Adult Gymnastics: Beating the Trail Resident Card program and getting in shape to boot
Every pre-season I make the same promise to myself: this year is going to be different. When the snow hits and the chairs start rounding the bull wheel, I’m going to be ready. My need for cardiovascular fitness, endurance, flexibility and strength training will be aligned via a realistic and attainable regime, the ultimate ...
2011 Senior Games to face major challenge
By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily There are major challenges facing the 2011 Senior Games before it comes to the West Kootenay region, but they are challenges that could see the region prosper, says the president of the Games committee. Pat Metge said with the Waneta Dam expansion project in Trail, all of the construction […]
Rossland:Costume capital of Canada - Halloween a major occasion in the Golden City
There’s just something about ski towns… People who live in them love to get dressed up, put on a costume and get out and party like a… (Insert preferred party style here). Be it dressing up as your favorite trail at Red (picture southern and northern belles, beer bellies, war eagles, Dougs, Captain Jacks and marmots), taking...
Sex toys as stocking stuffers - a New Millennium Christmas?
I think most of us, even in the New Millennium, would find the combination of Christmas and sex toys a startling one … but Passion Party consultant Tina McIntosh said we might be really missing out if we dismiss the idea out of hand. McIntosh even has catalogues featuring holiday gift packages and combinations of […]
Former Governor General interviews local city councillor
Former Governor General of Canada Adrienne Clarkson was in town this week, conducting interviews for a book she’s planning to publish next year. Entitled Room For All Of Us, the book will focus on a variety of immigrant populations coming out of places of struggle, how coming to Canada impacted them, and how they themselves […]
Interview: Charlie Russell –A life lived with bears and valuable lessons learned
Playing out like a real life version of Avatar, Charlie Russell went to live with grizzly bears to find out how humans can better interact with them peacefully. Returning twelve years later with unimaginable experiences and tales of life with the bears, Russell learned that humans, not bears, are the problem in terms of...
Bernard Leach Pottery unveiled at KSA
Kootenay School of the Arts at Selkirk College (KSA) has unveiled a unique display of Bernard Leach Pottery thanks to the generosity of the late Carol Proudfoot Couch. It is recognized world-wide that Bernard Leach was a famous British potter and is thought of as the “founder of studio ceramics in our time”. One of the great figures of […]