

LETTER FROM JOE HILL: Gifford goes out with a bang and the series lives on!

As many people know, my time of management for the Joe Hill Coffeehouse series is nearing its end. My first show was September, 2008, and my final show will be May, 2012, show #35. I wanted to make my final May show "something special", but the timing of the performers involved required that we make it the April 15 show...

IN REVIEW: The Grey - beautiful but forgettable

Rating: Two stars out of five Seven lone survivors of a transport plane wreckage in the desolate Arctic struggling to find safety, thwarted by wolves at every turn, seems like an excellent premise for an action-packed thriller. But The Grey, set in the stunning mountains surrounding Smithers, B.C., falls short as a tension-filled...

Step right up! Head-shave fundraiser at roller derby doubleheader needs more heads to roll

No matter how you slice it, it's going to be a close shave at 6 p.m. on April 28 when Nelson’s Killjoys take on the reigning champions, Rossland's own Gnarlie’s Angels, followed by a rock 'em sock 'em bout between the Bloodshed Betties and the Dam City Rollers. And we mean a shave quite literally: a series of hair-raising...

Planning for Golden City Days 2012 already underway: Your help cordially requested

With spring just around the corner many Rosslanders are eagerly anticipating warmer days and the sight of that first crocus in bloom!  However one small group of locals is looking further ahead, all the way to September and Rossland’s Golden City Days 2012 celebration. Planning for this annual family event has already begun...

The scoop on pickle balls, Earth Hours, and body sculpturing

Pickle Ballis taking North America by storm!  Pickle Ball is a racquet sport that uses a hard paddle and a polymer wiffle ball and combines elements of badminton, tennis and table tennis.  The sport is played on a court with the same dimensions as a doubles badminton court, but the net is mounted two inches lower and the...

FICTION: No friends on a powder day

This Red-based short story was submitted by Andrew Skillington, who visited the Mountain Kingdom for a ski vacation this winter. It was a powder day at Red Mountain Ski Area. Thirty centimetres of the freshest, driest Kootenay powder snow had fallen overnight and the sky was just beginning to clear. Jim stood at the top of ...

Earth hours, bottle drives, native pollinators, bike swaps...and more

The Rossland Arena ice surface is on its way out for the spring season.  Stay tuned for ROLLER DERBY information and bout schedules! Snow quality and conditions are deteriorating on the Centennial Trail.  In an effort to preserve our grooming equipment, the Centennial Trail will no longer be groomed this season.  A big thank...

Yves Engler to speak in the West Kootenay about Canada's peacekeeping tradition

Lone Sheep Publishing is proud to present Yves Engler, author of The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy and Canada and Israel: Building Apartheid. In his new book, The Truth May Hurt, Engler strips away the layers of former Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson’s past, exposing him as less of a Canadian peacekeeper and ...

Rossland offers a new location for the Canadian Ski Hall of Fame and Museum

As the Rossland Museum seeks to renew its momentum after the closure of the Black Bear mining adit, formerly the museum's main attraction, Mayor Greg Granstrom recently wrote to Chris Edgell of the Canadian Ski Hall of Fame (CSHF) in Ottawa to offer "a serious expression of interest by the City of Rossland to provide a new ...

Mir Centre For Peace And Allan Markin Present Karen Armstrong: Twelve Steps To A Compassionate Life

A former Catholic nun who first gained the spotlight with her 1993 book A History of God: The 4,000-year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam,  Karen Armstrong is now an author of 20 books that focus largely on commonalities of major religions – including the nearly universally but often-ignored principle of compassion....

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