
Rossland – Stage Three Water Restrictions begin on August 31

Rossland Telegraph
By Rossland Telegraph
August 24th, 2023

The City of Rossland has announced that Stage Three water restriction will take effect on August 31, 2023, in view of the extreme fire danger in our region – notwithstanding the recent rainfall – and our limited water supply.

In short, Stage Three Water Restrictions mean:

  • No lawn watering – not even newly planted lawns;
  • No filling residential pools, hot tubs, or decorative water features;
  • No washing driveways, sidewalks, or any other outdoor surfaces.
  • Vegetable gardens and fruit bushes and trees may be watered, but only as necessary – residents are urged to avoid wasting water.
  • Vehicles (etc.) may be washed only if necessary for “health and safety” and only by hand.

The use of water to keep golf courses in BC looking lush has been widely criticized recently,  so residents may be interested to know that our local golf course will not be allowed to water the fairways at all while Stage Three restrictions are in place, and is allowed only minimal watering for “tees and greens.”

Click on this link to the bylaw for further details, then just scroll down past the bumph to the coloured charts showing what’s permitted and what isn’t.


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