COUNCIL MATTERS: Rossland City Council meetings, July 11, 2022
There is no such thing as a bear-proof garbage bin; extreme rainfall and wet basements; got your Eye On Water yet? Citizens can easily access interesting City info in City reports, and, here’s the latest from RDKB meetings.
Present: Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors Janice Nightingale, Stewart Spooner, and Andy Morel. Absent: Chris Bowman, Terry Miller, and Dirk Lewis. Staff attending: CAO Bryan Teasdale, Deputy Corporate Officer Cynthia Anonuevo, CFO Mike Kennedy, City Planner Stacey Lightbourne, and Manager of Operations Scott Lamont.
Mayor Moore read out the City’s Territorial Acknowledgment.
Subject: Zoning Amendment Bylaw # 2791, to change the zoning of a portion of 953 Redstone Drive (proposed Lots 17 & 18) to Commercial Resort Accommodation. No one spoke.
Public Input Period:
Resident Carol Haywood, of 2442 Thompson Avenue, described the steps she had taken to ensure a dry basement, and how it had been dry since then, until the recent rainstorm – when water accumulated in the lane above and ran down into her property. She attributes the flooding to the plugged ditch and storm drain in the unused lane. Scott Lamont responded and committed to looking into the incident and getting back to the resident, and acknowledged that it was a serious weather event.
Delegation: Regional District of Kootenay Boundary
Janine Dougall, General Manager of Environmental Services presented information on the Green Bin CurbsideCollection Program. She had brought one example of an 80-litre critter-resistant bin, and two larger bear-resistant bins – please note, NOT bear-proof! — and explained how each type is picked up by different collection systems.
Below: Rossland Manager of Operations Scott Lamont, left, and RDKB Manager of Environmental Services Janine Dougall, right, with sample garbage bins.
She explained that the District will be getting a certain number of bear-resistant bins for distribution, and Rossland will get 21% of them – 268.
Spooner asked whether people should store their bear-resistant bins inside and Dougall said, yes, it’s not wise to leave them outside, especially not containing garbage. She emphasized that education is essential.
Dougall also pointed out that the organics collection will accept items such as meat waste, fats, and bones that should never be deposited in back-yard composts. She also emphasized that there must be no plastics of any kind in the organics collection – not even so-called “compostable” plastics.
Moore expressed her concern that the organics collection could add to our bear problems – she noted, “there were 12 bears shot in Rossland last year, and that indicates that we’re doing something very, very wrong.” Dougall did not think the organics collection would make our bear situation worse.
City of Rossland Annual Report:
Council is required to consider any input on the Annual Report after it has been made available to the public, but the City has not received any questions or comments on the Report. A motion to approve the City’s Annual Report CARRIED unanimously.
Nightingale commented that it contains interesting information, such as the number of City employees – 32 – and that residents who take an interest in the City and how it operates could benefit from reading the Annual Report.
Development Permit Application:
The Velvet Building: The proposal is to paint the name “The Velvet” with the year “1893” on both the north and south sides of the building, in large white letters. The Design Review Panel approved, and a motion that Council approve the application CARRIED unanimously.
Development Variance Permit Applications:
1. 2381 Irwin Avenue: The owners seek a reduced interior setback – the home already encroaches, so a variance is required – and a reduced front setback, to accommodate a planned unenclosed front porch on the north side of the home. The owners will be adding to the house, and the deck will be built as part of the construction. A motion to allow the variance CARRIED unanimously.
2. 2010 Georgia Street: The owners want to build a garage that will hold three vehicles – two up and one below – on the sloped property, and seek a variance to enable them to put the garage in the most convenient location on the large property. A motion to allow the variance CARRIED with only Spooner opposed, because he saw no need for a variance on such a large lot.
Progress Report – 2022 Corporate Management Plan:
The 17-page document, presented for information only, details for Council, and anyone else who might be interested, the status of the City’s various projects, priorities and ongoing work.
Second Quarter Budget Update:
Chief Financial Officer Mike Kennedy presented the regular budget updates in a series of three reports. Bottom line: Rossland’s finances are healthy.
Moore noted that both the Progress Report and the Budget update contain excellent information for interested citizens, and are published right in the agenda.
Midtown Transition Project – Rossland Yards:
Council reviewed the construction report on the project, and noted that they still hope for a November 2022 completion date.
Council reviewed the usual set of reports, including the Water Production Report, and the topic of intense rain events came up again, with their effect on Inflow and Infiltration into the sanitary sewer, and the resulting additional cost to the City.
Eye on Water: The City continues to encourage residents to sign up for this app, and consult it regularly to monitor their water usage and discover any waterline leakage they may have.
Member Reports:
Nightingale had attended, inter alia, the celebration of life for Raymond Gaudart, a well-known long-time Rossland resident.
Moore attended a meeting held regarding Indigenous participation on the Record Ridge mineral exploration proposal.
RDKB Board and COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES — Report submitted by Director Andy Morel:
East End Services – June 6, 2022
• Delegation with Hugh Eberly, Ministry of Transportation Regional Representative, Rebecca
Richards, Director, LCIC and Dino Dorazio, Chair, LCIC
Roundtable discussions on the continued advocacy for the upgraded low-level highway
linkage between the US and Canada at the Waneta crossing. The future replacement of the
Waneta Bridge over the Pend Oreille River was discussed along with the advocacy and
lobbying necessary for US counterparts to support the initiative along with Provincial and
Federal officials and politicians.
• Staff Reporting on the official transfer of the Greater Trail Community Centre into the hands
of Selkirk College. Excited Committee Directors clapped in support and congratulations for the
efforts of staff to make this long-term goal a reality. Very exciting for the Lower Columbia
region to have Selkirk increase their commitment to the expanded programs that will be
offered at the Trail Campus.
Selkirk News release:
Board Meeting – June 8, 2022
• The Board approved sending a letter to UBCM in support of the City of Castlegar's application
for Strategic Priorities Funding to expand the West Kootenay Regional Airport terminal and
parking lot, subject to there being no conflict with any applications the City of Trail may have
submitted to the UBCM Strategic Priorities.
• Staff Report – for the Board to approve that the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary East
End Regional Sanitary Sewer System Treatment Plant (Columbia Pollution Control Center)
Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1727, 2020” be ADOPTED. Approved. This is in support of the
investment in the CPCC upgrades anticipated to begin in 2023.
Regional Connectivity Presentation – June 16, 2022
• Along with 2 other RCC Committee members, I assisted in presenting the Committee’s newly
minted 3-year Strategic Plan to Columbia Shuswap Regional District. Seeking support for plan
that promotes and develops internet connectivity to all underserved communities and rural
residents within the Columbia Region.
Regional Connectivity Committee Meeting – June 21, 2022
• Presentation of new BC funding program “Connecting Communities BC”, announcement by
Jeanne Holliss, Executive Director, Connected Communities. Program designed to fill gaps
throughout rural BC. Likely August release for details.
• Delegation: Rogers Communications Inc. representative explaining the Shaw Communications
acquisition and the advantages for BC with providing services to rural, remote and Indigenous
communities. $65B in investments to Western Canada. Highway cellular coverage being made
a priority. Highway 16 and Highway 3 – Hope to Keremeos, have been most recently
completed. Advocated for Boundary and West Kootenay end of Hwy. 3 corridor.
East End Curbside Collection Working Group Meeting – June 21, 2022
• Staff Report – Janine Dougal, verbal report on Curbside Organics Program updates including
bear resistant bin decisions pending for both Rossland and Warfield. Other communities
staying with original procurement of styles and number of bins as per grant/ project proposal.
• Invitation to Janine Dougal, Manager of Environmental Services to present to Rossland
Council, July 11 meeting. Ms. Dougal will present on Curbside Organics Pickup Program and
bring along a variety of curbside compost containers to assist Council, BearSmart Committee
members and Staff in decision making for Rossland requirements.
Board Meeting – June 29, 2022
• Delegation: Regional Connectivity Committee presenting new 3-year Strategic Plan to Board.
• Release of 2021 RDKB Annual Report – Staff have worked hard to provide attractive, readable
and comprehensive report of 2021 projects and financials for the entire RDKB region. Check it
• The RDKB received Provincial Approval to regulate fireworks across the Region. Only 3 RD’s inBC have received this approval.
• CBT Director, Betty Anne Marino received a nomination from RDKB Board to continue as
Representative for 3 years.
• RDKB Release – CAO, Mark Andison has signed a new 5-year Employment Contract with Board.
Directors applauded Mark’s continued leadership through trying times of Covid, his excellent
team of Managers and general leadership qualities he brings to this challenging position.
The meeting adjourned, and your reporter walked home by a longer-than-necessary route to enjoy being outside in the beautiful evening for a little longer.