COUNCIL MATTERS: Rossland City Council meeting, February 22, 2022
That secondary access road to Redstone; Gold Fever Follies; Rossland Pool update; more sculptures; should we ban new gas installations? – and more . . .
Present: Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors Andy Morel, Janice Nightingale, Dirk Lewis, Chris Bowman, Stewart Spooner, and Terry Miller. Staff: CAO Bryan Teasdale, CFO Mike Kennedy, Manager of Operations and Infrastructure Scott Lamont, City Planner Stacey Lightbourne, Manager of Recreation and Events Kristi Calder, and two other masked individuals whose identities your dozy reporter failed to capture.
Public Input Period:
Lisa Henderson spoke about the Gold Fever Follies’ financial situation and the proposed agreement, suggesting an amendment to put off the Follies payment to the City until February of the following year, to ensure that the full amount of the Follies’ income for the previous season is considered. [Editor’s note: Henderson did not realize at the time that the new agreement does not include a percentage of the Follies’ income.]
Cary Fisher of Redstone Resort spoke regarding South Redstone Drive. He suggested that he was tempted to pull his application for the subdivision, but said he had been persuaded to come and talk to Council. He emphasized his and his family’s long history in, and contributions to the community. He spoke of his ideas about what’s likely to happen in the area in the future. He thinks “there’s something wrong” – he thinks the City Planner is overloaded and should not have the huge workload she has, that she should have more resources. He attributed the housing crisis to the amount of time it takes for applications to be processed. He said there’s no reason for the OCP to be “re-opened” for his re-zoning application. He suggested, “Rely on the Urban Systems report — as is … and get a better process.”
South Redstone Drive – Council discussed a motion to give third reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw # 2757 and OCP Amendment Bylaw # 2758, on the following conditions:
1. THAT the applicant construct the first phase (Redstone Drive to existing pavement on Queen St) of the secondary route into Redstone via Queen St according to recommendations in the ISL Engineering Report dated February 14, 2022.
2. THAT the applicant dedicate and build a trail connection from Queen St to the Rubberhead Trail. AND FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to amend Schedule I – Redstone Sector Plan of the Official Community Plan with the newly developed recommendations from ISL Engineering for full secondary access and bring it to Council when the new Official Community Plan is considered.
Council discussed the motion, considering the input from Carey Fisher earlier. All agreed that the Queen Street secondary access is the best option of a poor lot, and wondered whether the threshold for building the access should be 100 homes built at Redstone, or a greater number – which would push the secondary access being built to an undetermined time in the future. The Ministry of Transportation (etc.) wanted a secondary access when the Redstone neighbourhood was first proposed, but agreed to delay the requirement for the secondary access until a greater number of homes are built. Councillors commented on the changes that would be needed for other City streets following construction of a secondary access road.
The original motion FAILED unanimously.
A motion to give third reading to an amended motion, retaining the trail-building requirement but without the secondary access road requirement, and also directing the City to work toward a new trigger for building the secondary access, and to consider what should be in the Official Community Plan on this subject, CARRIED with only Nightingale opposed.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw # 2783 – 1936 Planer Crescent – amotion to give first and second readings to the bylaw changing the zoning from R-1 Residential to R-1I Residential Infill, and setting a Public Hearing for April 4, 2022, CARRIED unanimously. The R-1I zoning will enable subdivision of the large property to sell a triangular portion to the adjacent neighbour whose lot is also triangular, and to create a second 30-foot-wide rectangular lot.
Council Remuneration Bylaw # 2782 – Council discussed a motion to give the bylaw second and third readings. Lewis explained again his suggestion to apply cost-of-living increases in a different way, so as to avoid increasing the gap between higher and lower pay. Other Council members did not embrace the concept, so the motion CARRIED without amendment.
Other Business:
Gold Fever Follies Facility Use Agreement – Council discussed the agreement as presented, which would result in the Gold Fever Follies being charged $3,000 for its three-month season, but without any additional payment of a percentage of profit – an increase over the previous charge of $1,000 plus 5% of profit for the season.
Spooner opposed subsidizing the Follies by way of a special rate for the Miners Hall; he said, if we’re going to support them, let’s be clearer about it. Morel said he was concerned about providing this level of support for one organization to that extent. Bowman stated that he didn’t think the Follies could absorb any greater expense. Lewis pointed out that the group is just coming out of Covid, and suggested continuing the previous rate for the next year. Council discussed the number of hall rentals in June, that the Follies must work around, with input from Kristi Calder and Lisa Henderson. Moore pointed out that all the amenities the City supports in various ways provide benefits to the City, and that if we began looking at them from a strictly mercenary point of view, we could lose much that makes the community attractive. Calder mentioned that the City could provide a grant-in-aid instead of a reduced rental, as part of its regular grant-in-aid program; the Agreement as presented states that the City considers the reduced rental to be a form of grant-in-aid.
The information in the Council package for this meeting explained, “In October 2018, Council approved the 2019-2020 Facility Use Agreement with base fees of $1,000 ($333/month) and 5% of annual profits from the show. In 2020 the cabaret/production did not occur due to COVID19, therefore Council moved to extend the existing facility use agreement for one more year (2021) due to the lost year in 2020. Attached are unaudited financial statements as provided by the Gold Fever Follies showing no profits experienced in both 2019 and 2021. 2019 profits of $12,042 resulted in an additional amount owing to the City of $602.10 for a total of $1,602.10. In 2021, the production did not realize a profit, resulting in no additional facility use fees being collected above the base annual fee of $1,000.”
A motion to approve the agreement as presented CARRIED.
COVID Community Support Fund Applications — February 2022 Intake: the City received applications from the Figure Skating Club and the Rossland Arts Centre Society, both seeking $5000. A motion to approve both applications CARRIED unanimously.
Draft 2022 Corporate Management Work Plan: a motion to approve the work plan as presented CARRIED unanimously.
Budget Update for Q4, 2021: CFO Mike Kennedy presented the updated figures for Council’s information. Curious readers can find the entire report in the Council materials for this meeting.
Rossland Pool 2022 Season Update: Manager of Recreation and Events Kristi Calder presented information about the City’s plans for the pool for the coming season – those plans are limited by the lack of available lifeguards, noted as “a national problem” that is causing reduced hours of operation for many pools. The City is carefully monitoring our 90-year-old pool’s condition, for safety reasons. The pool was built by volunteers in 1932, with materials donated by Teck’s corporate predecessor, on land owned by the City. Calder commented that having the pool open more is not an advantage in seeking lifeguards, because now many of them want to work only limited hours.
A motion to approve the Golden Bear Children’s Centre application for an Early Learning and Child Care Small Projects Enabling Accessibility Fund Project CARRIED unanimously.
RCAC’s Sculpture plans: The Rossland Council for Arts & Culture sought the City’s agreement with its plan to install three new sculptures: one at the entrance to the new City Hall once the building is complete, another at the junction of Kirkup Avenue and Plewman Way, and a third at a yet-to-be-determined location in the Red Mountain community. They also wish to have new wooden sculptures created every two years and replace the previous three that are displayed on the Centennial Trail. The City would provide and install plinths for the sculptures, and would provide labour annually to install or move them. Nightingale suggested that the request for assistance ought to be in the form of a Grant-in Aid application; Calder explained that the request is only to cover the City’s expenses. A motion to approve the agreement as presented CARRIED unanimously.
Members’ Reports:
Miller reported that not all new businesses are aware of the Design Review Panel and its work, including the requirement for approval of signs.
Lewis proposed a motion that the SC research the prospect of the City banning gas installation in new construction, or adding it in renovations, as part of moving toward the City’s “100% Renewables” goal. Spooner questioned how much control municipalities should exert over the lives of their residences by such measures as banning the installation of new gas services. The motion for research CARRIED.
Bowman noted that it is Heritage Week, and the Heritage Commission is looking for new members.
Moore reported that she will be sending out a survey on women’s participation in local politics.
Nightingale submitted a written report, included here, lightly edited (in italics):
Economic Development Task Force.
Dec14th, Jan 4th, Jan. 11th, Jan. 18th, Feb 1st.
The EDTF developed and distributed a mailer and a press release to encourage Rosslanders to volunteer for our 3 main projects as approved by council, 1) Broadband, 2) Housing and 3) Childcare spaces. Response has been better than anticipated, and we will be moving forward with adding participants.
On Jan 17th, Jim and Lea presented our approved project list to Rotary, and the Rotarians were very interested in participating.
Jan. 27th, I had a discussion with Nicole MacLellan at CBT about funding opportunities for the planning and implementation of our Childcare spaces project.
Feb 2nd, I had a Zoom meeting with Sue Bock of Bock and Associates, the authors of the Trail Childcare Needs Analysis Report that resulted in a successful grant application to move to the building stage of the new Unicorn Daycare in Tadanac.
Jim Firstbrook, Chair, presented the data visualization project to the Sustainability Commision for approval and funding, and was successful. Jim is working with staff to finalize the necessary agreements.
Midtown Project Committee
Jan. 12th.
The general contractor, Yellowridge, has added another framing crew to speed up the work on the project. As this is an issue due to the subcontractor, there is no financial implication to the project
On either the City’s or the LCAHS’s part. Work is progressing into the evenings, and the 2nd floor is framed with the elevator shaft starting to be built up to the 3rd and 4th floors.
Using Data to our Advantage
Jan. 12th, Jan 19th, Jan. 26th, Feb 2nd.
A 5 week online course put on by the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior of B.C (ETSI.BC) and Community Futures East Kootenay (CFEK). This course has been very well attended , with participant numbers in the 70s for the first week, and then slowly tapering off into the 50s. I was pleased to see a number of Rossland participants. A wide range of backgrounds, including elected officials and municipal and regional staff, as well as educators and contractors though out the West and East Kootenay area.
The course introduced the participants to sources of data, ways of analyzing data, collecting data that is not provided elsewhere and developing a research plan to ensure that results answered a relevant question and provided context.
Community Based Land Use Planning in the Upper Columbia
Jan. 18th
Presented by Selkirk Innovates and Yukon to Yellowstone, this seminar focused on community input options for planning related to crown and private lands surrounding municipalities.
Our Roles in community Economic Development
Jan. 19th
A presentation put on jointly by Community Futures, LCIC, LCCDTS and the Chamber of Commerce outlining and highlighting their different and overlapping economic development roles and projects in the region.
Hospital Board meeting
Jan 26th
I attended the first hospital board meeting of the year, and was elected to the WKBRHD Executive as the Greater Trail representative. The board continues to work with IHA on future budgets for capital improvements in our region to benefit all our residents. I unfortunately got a tour of the new emergency room at KBRH on Jan 13th, and it is a much better space for staff to work in, and for patients to be treated in. Next meeting is March 23rd, and we should have the annual requisition and hospital tax information after that meeting.
Feb. 9th. Attended the last week of the 5 week course “Using Data to your Advantage” put on by ETSI.BC and CFEK. I will send the resource list around to council and staff. A very enlightening and enjoyable course, and really well attended, anywhere from 40-77 people on each weeks call.
Feb 9th. Attended a MidTown Project meeting. The FCM funding announcement will be coming out March 7th, the framing crew is started on the 3rd floor and the elevator shaft is being built up as well. No change in the date of completion and occupation, Dec 2022/Jan.2023.
Feb 10th & Feb. 15th. EDTF meeting. We held an orientation meeting for new volunteers. The members of the EDTF took turns explaining the projects that had been approved by council and answering questions. The EDTF was very pleased with the response they received by putting out a mailer asking for volunteers.
Feb. 16th. CBAL planning meeting. CBAL is looking for people who are interested in providing p/t program facilitation for people CBAL is trying to serve.
Feb 19th. Volunteered at the Warriors final home game on their quest to get to the Coy Cup. People seemed to very much enjoy getting out for an event, and it was an entertaining game.
[End of Nightingale’s report]
The Council meeting adjourned, and your reporter walked home by a different route to avoid the ice-slick at the top of the LeRoi hill sidewalk, contemplating our relatively low snow-pack and wondering what the summer will bring, here and elsewhere, and what will survive best in our gardens, apart from and in spite of a population of vigorous and voracious pocket gophers.