
UPDATED with Fletcher Quince's statement -- Rossland By-election: Candidates Terry Miller and Fletcher Quince

Rossland Telegraph
By Rossland Telegraph
November 9th, 2020

Election burn-out? Just one more effort, please, Rossland voters:  turn out to vote in our by-election to fill the vacant seat on Rossland City Council until the next scheduled municipal election, on October 15, 2022.

The Rossland Telegraph received an updated candidate’s statement from Terry Miller, and reached out to Fletcher Quince, who did not respond until November 12. His statement is immediately below, and Miller`s statement is below that.

ADVANCED VOTING OPPORTUNITIES – at the Rossland Miners Union Hall:

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 — 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020 — 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

GENERAL VOTING DAY:   Saturday, November 28, 2020 — 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., at the Rossland Miners’ Hall.


You can vote in this by-election IF –

·       You are a Canadian citizen, and

·       You are 18 years old or more, and

·       You have lived in BC for six months or more, and

·       You have lived in Rossland for at least 30 days.

To vote,  bring two pieces of ID to prove identity and residency.  At least one piece of ID must have your signature.   People are expected to wear a face mask inside the Miners Hall.

Below:  Statement by Candidate Fletcher Quince:


“A little over a decade ago, Rossland’s largest commercial building stood vacant and derelict on the corner of Columbia Avenue and Washington Street. Designed as a Romanesque Keep by British Columbia’s best known architect, it was completed 120 years ago to reflect the Wealth of a blossoming community on Canada’s Frontier.

“As the “Community’s Dreambubble” as an old time Rosslander once told me, it had served as the central financial institution underlying the community’s development for over 100 years before it was purchased in 2002 by a Californian investor who left it abandoned, awaiting the right economic conditions for undertaking its development.

“Following the economic collapse of 2008 and a court ordered sale in which my family purchased the property, I arrived, as I told the Rossland Telegraph Reporter in December 2009: “to reintegrate that building back into the community”. While things did not always work the first time I tried them, a strong work ethic and long-term vision for the property always supported me in achieving that objective.

“Today, Rossland’s Historic Bank of Montreal houses 15 local businesses, and while it might not be much, a minimum wage job for myself operating the property alongside the ongoing development of a marketplace for Kootenay Creative Products on its main floor.

“Naturally I chose Rossland because I enjoy hiking, riding bikes and going skiing with friends, but I prefer contributing my energy to improving the capacity of those institutions that enable me to enjoy the quality of life I want within the community I call home. And so, upon arrival in Rossland, I joined Company 1 as a Volunteer Fire Fighter, became a Ski Patroller with Red Mountain, and acted as Chair for one of the Sustainability Commission’s Sub-Committee’s alongside fellow Council Candidate Terry Miller.

“But life is about building upon one’s experience, and from those first engagements I went on to Chair Rossland’s Fire and Emergency Services Task Force in 2016, join the Executive of a regional governance board named the Lower Columbia Community Development Team Society, and somehow ended up as Red Mountain’s “Slush Cup LifeGuard” in 2019.

“In 2018 I also ran for Rossland City Council the first time. 12 people, 6 spots, and a lot of uncertainty did make the whole experience feel a little like getting out of jury duty. However, one of those people was not a fit, and having run on the issues facing the current council I genuinely believe it is incumbent upon me to undertake a second attempt.  

“And so, while an undergraduate degree in cognitive neuroscience, a job as an Incident Commander supervising 150 employees in remote camps for Alberta Forestry, and a graduate degree in the development and operation of Complex Management Systems often strike people as an odd background for someone running an Art Gallery, they do constitute a strong background in Leadership, Community Development and Governance for someone happy to contribute to their community as an alternate for a departed councillor. “


Statement by Candidate Terry Miller:

“I would like to re-introduce myself to you as a candidate for the vacant council position and I hope you see fit to vote for me on November 28.

“The first order of business for me as a councillor will be to help drive the new Official Community (OCP) planning process. This project will help our town re-calibrate its strategic direction on things like the effects of climate change, our local economy, housing, food security, seniors, and the myriad of other issues critical to the livability of our community in the years to come. I want our community to take proactive and concrete steps for the sake of our children and our grandkids

“There will be many opportunities within this project for Rosslanders to bring forward their hopes, concerns and ideas for the future, and I trust everyone will pitch in. Watch for details in the coming weeks and months.

“A bit about me: 

“I wandered through Rossland some 40 years ago to ski Red for a season. And like so many others, was charmed by Rossland and never left.

“I have been actively involved with the community over the years. As stated above, I’m currently on the OCP steering committee, and I also serve as chair of one of six FireSmart neighbourhoods in town.
In 2004 – as part of my graduate degree in business and leadership – I completed the Rossland Visions Projects. I gathered video interviews with Rossland locals and invited them to reflect on what they most valued about our community as well as their vision of the future. This project earned an award for putting visions into action.

“This project formed part of the backdrop for the Visions to Action Strategic Sustainability Plan, out of which grew Rossland’s Sustainability Commission. I was one of the original members (2009) and was chair of that commission from 2012-2016. We worked on many different initiatives over the years, but I recall with pride the Rossland Energy Diet, as we worked with the City and Fortis to educate and support residents to retrofit their homes.

“For a decade, beginning in the mid-80’s, I spearheaded the RubberHead Mountain Bike Festivals. Most notable were the ’93 North American Championships, and the ’94 Canadian Championships. These events grew to include up to 200 volunteers and some 400 participants from around North America and laid claim to Rossland being the ‘Mountain Bike Capital of Canada’.
I was also a director on the Rossland Chamber of Commerce for a number of years in the late ‘80’s. During that time, Almeda and I established GoldRush Books and Espresso – Canada’s very first bookstore/espresso bar. So I have first-hand experience about what it takes to run a local business.

“Since earning my MBA 18 years ago, I’ve been an Organization Development consultant both in private practice and within the health care sector. I have facilitated large and small-scale group processes, all aimed at helping people understand different viewpoints.  I’ve designed and taught various management and leadership programs – conflict resolution, leading teams, interpersonal communication, and more.

“I am currently employed as an Emergency Preparedness Coordinator with Interior Health (IHA) assisting our healthcare system prepare for fires, floods, and of course, the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Hope you’ll vote on November 28. Thanks in advance for your support.”


For further information, please contact the Chief Election Officer, Cynthia Anonuevo, or the Deputy Chief Election Officer, Kristi Calder, at 250-362-7396; or elections@rossland.ca

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