
Old bags are best! Commuter route for bikes? And more ...

Sara Golling
By Sara Golling
June 19th, 2019

Present:  Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors Andy Morel, Scott Forsyth, Dirk Lewis, Janice Nightingale, and Stewart Spooner.  Absent:  Chris Bowman.

Staff:  CAO Bryan Teasdale, Deputy Corporate Officer Cynthia Año Nuevo, CFO Elma Hamming, Manager of recreation Kristi Calder, and Manger of Operations Darrin Albo.


Rossland Public Library:  Christa Ford gave a report on the state of the library following the renovations, and presented the library’s Annual Report for 2018.

Sustainability Commission:

Alex Loeb and Ann Damude spoke about a proposed bike/e-bike commuter trail between  Rossland and Trail, ultimately planned to go from Red to Fruitvale, seeking approval to apply for grants to achieve the Rossland to Trail section.  The trail would also be used recreationally, but the main focus is on reducing carbon output by encouraging people to commute on the trail by bike or e-bike.  The upper section would likely use the old wagon road route with upgrades to render it more usable, as that’s the more direct route for commuting. Damude spoke about the need to change behaviour to get people into the habit of commuting on such a trail, and the need to overcome some barriers such as where to store the bikes at work, how to deal with adverse weather, and so on. There’s a survey for commuters to complete, to help determine what other factors might need to be addressed.  (See separate article.)

Rossland Arena Society:

Ona Stanton spoke seeking approval for the Curling Club or the Arena Society to apply for a grant to replace the chiller.

Agenda Item 10 (b)was  moved up in the agenda: Lewis moved that the  City support the BC Library Association campaign to return Provincial spending on libraries to $20 million by 2020; that CARRIED unanimously.

Agenda Item 10 (c)was also moved up:  Lewis made a motion to support an application for a grant to replace the arena’s chiller by an eligible entity, as requested by Ona Stanton on behalf of the Rossland Arena Society, and that also CARRIED unanimously.

Sustainability Commission request:  Moore asked whether matching funds are available – CFO Hamming agreed that there is still enough in the CARIP fund.  A motion to support the SC request so they can apply for grants to develop a commuter bike and e-bike trail CARRIED unanimously. 


A motion to amend the Checkout Bag Regulation Bylaw #2691:  Lewis moved to remove paper bags from the list of permissible bags; Spooner quoted a report he had read recently claiming that the only way to reduce plastics use is to impose a charge on their use.  After further discussion, the motion to amend FAILED unanimously.  A motion to give third reading to the bylaw, as amended at the previous meeting, CARRIED.  Forsyth wanted it to be clear that the use of paper bags will be discouraged too, and that Council will take steps in future to see that charges are imposed on their use.  Moore explained, that could be achieved by communication.

Spooner moved that the City not accept any more applications this year under the Tax Revitalization Bylaw, because of an interpretation by BC Assessment, until the differences in understanding can be resolved.  Accordingly, the proposed amendment to the bylaw was not given any further readings.

Policy Review:

A motion to reconfirm the policy on Half-Masting the Canadian Flag, gave rise to an amendment proposed by Lewis to include, in the list of dignitaries for whom the flag will be half-masted, “leadership of the BC Assembly of First Nations and the National Assembly of First Nations,” which CARRIED unanimously, as did the amended motion.   A motion reconfirming the Freedom of the City policy also CARRIED, with a comment from Spooner that it’s archaic.  A motion to reconfirm the  Speed Limit Policy CARRIED, with only Spooner opposed.

Other Business

Council considered an application for a Development Variance Permit Application for  2152 Queen Street, to allow a wider driveway for a garage on the alley;  a  motion to approve the variance CARRIED.

Council examined the chart of tenders for a hook truck which will accommodate a number of attachments – which will outlast the truck —  and the hook truck will replace two of the City’s current vehicles:  a dump truck and a sand truck. Albo explained how the new truck could enable the City to save money doing spring clean-up, and might enable fall clean-up to be reinstated.

A motion to purchase the hook truck from Freightliner of Cranbrook Ltd. for  $265,910, including additional warranties, trade-in, and PST, CARRIED unanimously.

All that garbage:  Council voted to extend the contract with Alpine Group for Residential solid Waste Collection, until July 31, 2020.

A further motion to undertake a comprehensive review of the current garbage collection service CARRIED unanimously.

Council then reviewed staff reports on recreation cost recoverypubic works, bylaw enforcement, and building permits for the month of May.  Council was very impressed with the quality of the Recreation Cost Recovery report.  The bylaw enforcement report noted ten warnings issued for parking on the wrong side, ten warnings for leaving dogs left unattended downtown – tied up other than at a designated “dog parking” area — three warnings issued for smoking or vaping where prohibited, and one warning and one ticket issued for failing to store refuse properly.

Council discussed a request from the Rossland Council for Arts and Culture for approval to install a “Viking Ship Bench” at the Skatepark, and for assistance with the installation.  Spooner wanted to ensure that RCAC has spoken with the Youth Action Network, and City Staff.  A motion to ask RCAC to consult with those entities before asking for the City’s support CARRIED unanimously.

Members’ Reports:

Morel commented that he has noticed  a number of people abusing the handicapped parking spots, and asked it the fine is only $5.  Teasdale confirmed that it is, and indicated that he thinks $50 would be more appropriate.

Moore presented a motion  to co-sponsor a motion at the UBCM, to request that the MVA be changed to permit municipalities to set lower, safer speed limits in their residential areas.

Scott Forsyth moved that the City include a directory on its website listing the organizations in Rossland with volunteer opportunities, as volunteerism has historically been an important part of Rossland’s culture, and should be protected and encouraged.  Discussion probed how the list would be generated and how the information could be updated without being a burden on City staff. Forsyth volunteered to begin the work of creating the list.

Morel presented a written summary of RDKB meetings, and reported orally that the  East End Services committee has agreed to a review by a consultant, but thinks it won’t happen very soon.

Forsyth volunteered to carry the flag up Mt. Roberts on July 1.

A motion to ask staff to look into feasible methods of traffic calming CARRIED.

Council recessed to an in camera session, and your reporter walked home via Ferraro’s to do a bit of shopping, and felt very grateful for the recent rainfall — even though it was amazingly, thunderously torrential.

Categories: GeneralPolitics