What have the Rossland Streamkeepers been up to?
On Friday, January 25, the Rossland Library will have an added attraction: a “Show and Tell” event by the Rossland Streamkeepers.
The Rossland Streamkeepers program operates under and is supported by the Rossland Society for Environmental Action (RSEA). Bill Coedy, a director of RSEA, started the program in 2015. The group’s focus of study has been the Trail Creek Watershed; one project that Bill and his four volunteers have been working on this past year is the monitoring of flow in upper Trail Creek. Temperature and Conductivity have also been measured along with water level using Hobo dataloggers and this data will be displayed at the Show & Tell.
The Rossland Streamkeepers have been fortunate to receive grant funding from CBT, RDKB Area B, FortisBC, Teck, FWCP and Morrow BioScience to launch new projects in 2019 concerned with long term monitoring of temperature in Trail Creek tributary streams and a series of factual and historic interpretive signs for the watershed. Last year, the Streamkeepers worked with Selkirk College and the MIDAS Fab Lab to fabricate a 3D Model of the Watershed. In October, the Streamkeepers introduced a short outdoor educational course on flow monitoring techniques, called “Flow 101”, for a class of students attending Seven Summits Centre for Learning. This one-day course may be of interest to other teachers.
So come out and see the displays of these projects, starting at noon and continuing until 8:00 pm. Learn more about the studies being conducted by the Rossland Streamkeepers. It’s FREE. If you prefer snow to water, then come check out the Seasonal Snow Graph for Rossland dating back to 1905. Can’t make it out? — then check it out on Facebook @RosslandStreamkeepers.