UPDATED: Don't vote for Zwicker! He explains why.
[Ed.: Please — do NOT vote for Andrew zwicker in the upcoming civic election. He has withdrawn from candidacy, but too late to have his name taken off the ballot. If people vote for him anyway in a misguided show of support, it would trigger an expensive by-election and cost taxpayers money. And no, the City is not allowed to alter the ballots at this stage, or do anything else to influence voters. In this letter to Rosslanders, Andrew explains in his own words why he has withdraen. We wish him all the best in his new job!]
Dear Rosslanders,
This past week I and our family received some great personal news, which unfortunately also translates into not so great news for my City Council career. It also creates a unique dilemma. To get right to the point, I will no longer be able to run for council in the upcoming election, and while I am withdrawing from the race, unfortunately the official date to withdraw has already passed. What that means is that while I am not in the running, I technically am in the running as my name will be on the ballot.
I’ve always wanted to run again and hoped to have the opportunity to put in another term serving the fine citizens of Rossland as I have truly enjoyed the challenges faced over the past four years. I wasn’t sure at first if I’d have the time required to run again, but shifted things around to make that work. As luck would have it however, 3 days after the deadline to withdraw from the race I was offered an excellent job opportunity that will see me out of town 4-5 days a week. I have made my career largely in the ski industry as that is one of my true passions. The opportunity was presented this week to take the position of Marketing Manager at Baldy Mountain Resort, and for the good of our family, and to continue following my own career goals, now was the right time to take the job.
Over the past four years, I’ve kept track and the work put in on City Council has averaged about 16 hours a week. That includes the actual council meetings, preparation, additional meetings and a number of committees with regular meetings to attend. Some weeks, particular in our first year were more like 30 hrs plus a week, and some fewer of course. My new position at Baldy will have me spending 4-5 days a week out of town, and thus the couple of days I’ll have in town will be fully dedicated to my family.
I’m very much looking forward to my new opportunity and new challenges ahead. I am disappointed to be dropping out of the race for council, but I’m encouraged by the strong list of candidates in this year’s field. Whichever way the outcome goes, Rossland will end up with a very fine council for this next term. Just remember, that while my name will be on the ballot, I am not really in the race any longer and will not be able to serve as councillor, so here is the weirdest pitch of the election this year: Please do not vote for me.
Thank you Rossland for the opportunity to serve our fine City over the past 4 years. It has been both an honour and a pleasure to sit on City Council, and I do look forward to making a return at some point down the road when the time is right. For now, I wish all of the remaining candidates the best of luck in their campaigns, and am confident a good council will emerge to guide our City through the next 4 years.
Thank you Rossland,
Andrew Zwicker