
Six cabins for Paradise; Follies quandary; more glyphosate sprayed on Oregon grape; Allan Davies and paperwork

Sara Golling
By Sara Golling
September 25th, 2018

Regular Rossland City Council Meeting, September 24, 2018

Present:  Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors John Greene, Marten Kruysse, Andrew Zwicker and Aaron Cosbey.  Absent: Lloyd McLellan and Andy Morel

Public Input Period:  Lisa Henderson spoke on behalf of the Gold Fever Follies.   She explained that the Gold Fever Follies lost money this past summer, despite having had about 400 more audience members than usual.  She had written a proposal for the City, attempting to manage the rehearsal times the Follies need during June, before their shows begin. She also made a plea for being able to honour the performance dates as they have been advertised, and not having to dismantle their set-up mid-season to accommodate other rentals. Giving up time on Fridays for rentals during rehearsals are a problem for them, as they rehearse from Mondays to Fridays inclusive leading up to their summer performances.

Staff Recommendations:

A motion to grant the Development Permit for the Paradise Cabins (6 cabins, 5 occupants each) CARRIED unanimously with a list of twelve conditions

Development Variance permit:  1944  McLeod – to permit construction of a carport and deck which requires a variance of the set-back requirements; a motion to allow it CARRIED unanimously.

A  motion to grant the Development  Variance Permit for 1981 Kootenay Avenue CARRIED unanimously, allowing construction of a roof over an existing deck which encroaches on the set-back.

Policy  Review: 

1.  Council Information Policy was confirmed, as amended with additions describing procedure, to match the policy to normal practice;

2.  Council Committee System confirmed, with the addition of the term “task force”;  Moore also suggested adding a requirement that groups not publish information as if it represents the City unless it is first approved by the City; in discussion, Teasdale pointed out that information is often dealt with in the group’s Terms of Reference (ToRs).  Kruysse explained that he preferred to have the rules governing information in the ToRs.  A  motion to have staff come back with language to cover the issue CARRIED, with Greene and Kruysse opposed.

3.  Ethics, Conduct and Conflict of Interest policy was reconfirmed. 

4.  A new Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Appointments policy was approved.

Rossland Curling Society, renewal of lease agreement for two years: There`s a six-month termination clause, which allows flexibility in case of changed conditions; the motion to renew CARRIED  

 Council appreciated the Interim Recreation Cost Recovery  Report.

Gold Fever Follies 2019 – 2020 Service Agreement:  Kruysse urged flexibility, and willingness to subsidize the Follies.  Zwicker moved changing the Follies to a one-year contract, but the motion FAILED.  Cosbey didn`t like the part about sharing surplus revenues – “profits” — because it makes the Follies more vulnerable, and they’re a not-for-profit.  Teasdale pointed out that that clause was suggested by the Follies, based on the fact that their rent is subsidized and they are aware that the City loses opportunities to rent the hall.  Kruysse noted that the Follies bring people to Rossland, and would prefer to see the rent lower and then have “profit” sharing.   The motion FAILED with only Cosbey in favour.  CFO Elma Hamming suggested that the  Follies could pay the City a percentage of their door, with a minimum, rather than making the hall rental a set amount.  A motion asking staff to bring back figures to Council based on a percentage of the door CARRIED.  A motion changing the hours of 24-hour rentals which would displace the Follies for rehearsals, so they would lose a bit less time, CARRIED.        


Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2676, 1633 Second Avenue – A  motion to give the bylaw permitting short-term rental third reading, and a second  motion to adopt the bylaw, both CARRIED unanimously.

Zoning Amendment Bylaw # 2677, 1866 Monita Street, to allow sort-term rental of a basement suite; motions to give the bylaw third reading, and to adopt it, both CARRIED unanimously.

Land Reserve Amendment Bylaw #2680 – a motion to adopt CARRIED unanimously.

2019 – 2023 Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw #2681, listing the exemptions granted:  a  motion to give first, second and third readings CARRIED unanimously.

2019 – 2023 Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw #2682, listing the approved applications:  a  motion to give the bylaw a first, second and third reading CARRIED unanimously. Discussion became hilarious when Cosbey noted that Allan Davies had failed to tick two “objective” boxes on his application, and staff responded, “Well, you know Allan Davies, right?  He’s a man of few words.”  Council was able to obtain the information that his project actually does meet the criteria by meeting two or more City objectives, even though only one box had been ticked.  Referring to the actions that meet the criteria, staff explained, “He just takes it for granted that this is how it’s done.”

Staff Updates and Reports:

Kruysse thinks the cost savings that have been effected by various measures should be highlighted, further on when the final figures are known, to share with the community. 

Request from Rossland Rotary Club to waive fees for All-Candidates Forum for the civic election:  a  motion to that effect CARRIED unanimously.

Letters strongly objecting to the City spraying glyphosate-based herbicides on the Oregon grapeat Columbia Cemetery have caused Council to note that the herbicide policy needs to be reviewed. There were three letters, one signed by seven people.  Long-time resident Judy Kerby noted that she has sometimes picked Oregon grape berries there to make jam.  A resident bee-keeper said that her honey-bee hives are within 2 kilometers of the cemetery, and bees often forage up to five kilometers away.  A Happy  Valley farmer was concerned about the herbicide spray drifting onto crops on a windy day.

Member reports:

Greene attended the UBCM and information will be on the UBCM website on Wednesday.

Kruysse reported on the Heritage Commission`s activities, including the herbicide spraying at the cemetery.

The First History of Rossland by Harold Kingsley has just been republished and is for sale at the Museum for $30, and some other locations.

Moore:  Fire Service news: the RDKB will be buying breathing apparatus for firefighters for about $500,000.

Council recessed to an in camera session, and your reporter walked home feeling surprised by how dark and chilly an evening it was, and paying special attention to the amount of lighting provided by the new LED street lights, and being delighted that the new replacement light at Spokane and LeRoi doesn’t switch itself off as one approaches it.

Categories: Politics