
'By some miracle' Saskatchwan couple survive landslide on Kootenay Pass

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
May 21st, 2018

A couple from Saskatchewan, travelling the Kootenay Pass to Nelson for the Victoria Day long weekend is lucky to be alive after being pushed off Highway 3 by a landslide Thursday.

Gabe Rosescu and Sheri Niemegeers were en route to the Heritage City to visit friends when the slide hit the vehicle they were driving approximately 30 kilometres west of Creston.

A GoFundMe page has been set up to help with expenses following this tragic accident.

“Unfortunately, there was a massive mudslide which sent Gabe and Sheri's car off the road and down a 3000-foot cliff,” the GoFundMe site said. “By some miracle, the car got hung up part way and did not plunge the entire way down.”

The GoFundMe site said Niemegeers, from Weyburn, Sask. was taken to Creston with a broken sternum and ankle. She was later transported to Trail Regional Hospital to recover.

Rosescu, from Regina, was airlifted to Kelowna suffering from bruising on his brain, broken orbital bones, broken nasal bones, broken cheek bones, a fractured jaw and partial vision in left eye.

The couple, who have seven children between them, are recovering from their surgeries are hopeful to return to Saskatchewan sooner than expected. The GoFundMe page, which has raised $18,445, has passed its initial goal of $15,000.

Highway 3, now open, was closed to traffic until Saturday afternoon.


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