
Mitigation work underway in Salmo

Regional District of Central Kootenay
By Regional District of Central Kootenay
May 15th, 2018

The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) continues to monitor and assess the potential for flooding in Salmo, should anticipated high water levels on Erie Creek overtake the Salmo dike. Mitigation work is already underway to help prevent a potential breach. An evacuation alert issued yesterday for the Village of Salmo and some outlying areas remains in effect.

“We have already started to take measures to help mitigate the risk of a breach or potential flooding, including the placement of rip rap in strategic areas to shore up the dike, and the removal of trees that are in danger of being undercut by rising water,” said Andrew Bellerby, the RDCK Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Director. “In addition, local firefighters and their colleagues from across the region are standing by to help deploy sandbags and respond in the case of a flood.”

Residents and visitors within the area are not required to evacuate at this time. However, the RDCK advises people to remain vigilant and be prepared to leave the area at short notice. This alert may be followed by an immediate evacuation order should conditions worsen.

“The best thing that people can do at this time is prepare themselves and their families in case an evacuation order is issued, and take precautions to protect their property and any livestock or pets,” said Chief Bellerby. “We are seeing great examples of community spirit in the area, with neighbours keeping an eye out for each other and lending a hand if needed. I urge everyone to stay vigilant, stay safe, and stay informed.”

Residents wishing to protect their properties from potential flooding can access sandbags and sand on the Salmo Village lot at 111 Main Street. There is a limited supply of sandbags so residents are asked to please take only what they need.

Residents or visitors who are not physically able to evacuate themselves should contact the EOC at 250-352-7701 so they can get assistance if an evacuation order is issued.

The RDCK will use its Emergency Notification System to issue evacuation orders if needed, in addition to hand-delivering notifications and advising the media. Residents who still need to sign up can do so by going to www.rdck.ca and select “Emergency Alerts” from the home page, or go to the notification system sign-up page at https://rdckemergency.connectrocket.com.

For information about emergency preparedness for floods (including sandbagging) and evacuations, please visit www.rdck.ca/befloodprepared or the PreparedBC website.

This post was syndicated from https://castlegarsource.com
Categories: General