
Yogathon raises big bucks for mental health

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
May 1st, 2018

This April 21, over 80 community members showed up on their mats from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. to raise awareness and funds for the Motherwise Project, mental health support groups for new moms in Castlegar.

People showed their support not only by attending yoga classes but by dropping off donations, bidding on silent auction items and sharing their own stories of working through depression and anxiety.
The event successfully raised almost $3,900 for the mothers support groups to get back up and running at Kootenay Family Place – pretty good for one day of yoga! 

“It was amazing to see so many people show up to this event, not only to support their own wellness but also to support mental health programs more broadly in our community,” said Leah Jackson, one of the event organizers. “ I always find it incredible how many people have had experiences with mental health difficulties, events like these create space to normalize those challenges.

“I am incredibly thankful for the support we received, from the Castlegar Complex donating the room to 11 yoga teachers volunteering their time, we had donations from over 27 businesses and promotions help from the Goat FM, the Castlegar Source  and Castlegar News. It’s encouraging to see our community step up in such a visible way.”

“I’m so happy the groups will be able to run again, evaluations quoted participants going from thinking becoming a mom was the worst thing that had happened to them to knowing it’s okay to feel bad, that postpartum wouldn’t last forever and they aren’t alone in it. They saw the groups as something literally life changing.

“I’m still hopeful a more sustainable funding source will hear this message and recognize the impact this can have on our entire community if they are able to run year after year.”

If anyone is interested in supporting this program who wasn’t able to make the event, donations are being received online at: www.bitly.com/motherwise.

This post was syndicated from https://castlegarsource.com
Categories: General