
Police seek help finding perpetrator of cruelty to a dog

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
June 19th, 2017

On June 17 at approximately 6:30 p.m., the Castlegar RCMP responded to a call regarding a dog that had been thrown from a car window, according to RCMP Sgt. Laurel Mathew.

“The witness stated that a car had driven into the rural area of Woodland Drive near the gravel pit in Castlegar, thrown the dog out the window, then sped off, leaving the dog in the gravel, Mathew said.

Police attended the area and located a young dog curled up in the grass.  

The dog was taken to a veterinarian, and luckily didn’t suffer any serious injuries. The dog is a young (one year old or less) black Lab or Lab cross.  She has no microchip or tattoo, and she is not spayed.

The car involved is described as a black car, possibly a Honda but not confirmed.

The RCMP are asking for assistance in identifying the person(s) who are responsible for this act. Attached  is a picture of the dog. If anyone has any information they are asked to contact the Castlegar RCMP at 250-365-7721.

Categories: Crime