
Trail, Help us Build our Canada 150 Passport!

City of Trail
By City of Trail
April 9th, 2017

The City of Trail and Trail Parks and Recreation are very excited about the $2,250 in grant funding received from the Community Fund for Canada’s 150th through the LeRoi Community Foundation​​​​​​​​​​​​​​. This funding will help us with our “Trail Celebrates Canada 150 Passport.”  The passport will feature 150 unique activities to do in Trail and will be launched on July 1st.  The passport will be available at the Canada Day celebrations at Beaver Creek Park, online and at various City venues.

The purpose of the passport is to highlight Trail’s unique activities by:

  • Building vibrant and healthy communities with the broadest possible engagement of all Canadians;
  • Inspiring a deeper understanding about the people, places and events that shape our communities and our country; and
  • Encouraging participation in community initiatives, activities and events to mark Canada’s 150th.

This is where you come in!  Help us come up with 150 unique activities to do in Trail.  Post your ideas to Facebook or Twitter with #TrailCanada150 or email us at Canada150@trail.ca

For more information, email: Canada150@trail.ca or call 250-364-0834.

This initiative is made possible by the Community Fund for Canada’s 150th, a collaboration between the LeRoi Community Foundation, the Government of Canada, and extraordinary leaders from coast to coast to coast.

Categories: General