
Community Futures welcomes new board members

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
July 20th, 2016

Community Futures Central Kootenay (CFCK) is pleased to announce that two new members have joined their Board of Directors.

Robert Bleier of Sutco Transportation and Peter LeCouffe of Harrier Aerial Surveys joined the board the CFCK’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on June 20.

Bleier MBA, is VP Finance for Sutco Transportation, has experience in strategic planning, finance, accounting, raising capital, project management, marketing, performance management, and IT. Bleier brings knowledge of the transportation sector and finance to his role on the Board or Directors.

LeCouffe is co-owner of Harrier Aerial Surveys, a company that uses drone technology to collect data on large-scale businesses. Using a relatively new technology with even newer applications means that LeCouffe has become an expert problem solver and an innovator is business. He brings knowledge of the technology sector and Kaslo area to his role on the Board or Directors.

Bleier and LeCouffe will serve alongside the following continuing board members: Chris Bell (Chair), Frances Swan (Vice Chair), Charlotte Ferreux, Dan Salekin, Terry Bambrick and Bob Wright.

Community Futures would also like to recognize the work of Jim Holland, who served on the board for nine years and resigned at the AGM.

“We’re very pleased to be welcoming these new members to our board. We feel our board is a wonderful representation of our diversified local economy. We have members with backgrounds in forestry, finance, consulting, entrepreneurship, education and tech,” said CFCK Executive Director Andrea Wilkey.

“We are lucky to have these experienced directors invested in the region’s economic well-being.”

Community Futures Central Kootenay is a non-profit economic development organization based in Nelson. Its Board of Directors are volunteers who meet six times a year and oversee CFCK’s work towards the mission of helping businesses to be successful and communities to be economically healthy.

To learn more about Community Futures Central Kootenay, visit www.futures.bc.ca.

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Categories: Business