

April 24th, 2016

The Rossland Council for Arts and Culture (RCAC) and Rossland Youth Action (YAN) will be presenting the U19 Film Showcase on Thursday, May 5. We are calling for film submissions from youth!

The showcase will be part of the Youth Week Gala, which is being organized in partnership with the RSS Drama department. Other portions of the evening include a youth variety show and youth awards. This is going to be a popular event, and is a great opportunity for youth to have their films seen by an audience. The showcase is the culmination of the U19 Film Programming that has included Film Drop-in Nights, and Film Making Workshops for youth.

We are calling for submissions of films in all categories, maximum 4 minutes in length. Prizes include cash and our coveted Olaus statuettes, and will be awarded for:

·         Best of the Fest (Judge’s Choice)

·         Best Stop-Motion Film

·         Best us of Special Effects Makeup

·         Best Directing

The submission deadline is April 28 at noon. To submit a film visit http://u19filmfest.com/how-to-submit/

If you need help getting your film ready for submission, come to film-drop in nights at the YAN Space on Thursdays from 4:30-6:30pm. Video cameras and laptops are available for use and there are knowledgeable facilitators to help you with your films.

For more information contact:

Tara Kowalchuk
RCAC Executive Administrator