
C'mon, come help Grandpa start Tweeting!

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
January 21st, 2016

The Castlegar Legion is looking for young tech buffs who’d like to pad their resumes and college applications with a fun and productive volunteering opportunity.

In fact, anyone of any age group who is reasonably conversant with computers would be more than welcome to come help seniors learn basic computer navigation: how to use social media, how to access online services, etc.

“Ït’s absolutely golden for your resume,”said Rob Planiden, member of the Legion executive, adding you can actually get a free RCMP check because it’s a volunteer position (there’s a free to get a criminal record check if it’s for a job).

Planiden said the Legion used just under $4,000 of a grant from New Horizons Seniors Initiative program to purchase six laptops with wireless mice and keyboards and is hoping to have the RCMP offer a few words on computer safety.

“It just seemed like a good idea, and a good way to help – everyone needs help with computers,” he said. He said it will depend on the response they get, but he’d like to run computer session like this, for free, as often as once or twice a month.

The inaugural class will be Sat., Jan 30 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Castlegar Legion at 248 Columbia Ave., downtown.

Anyone interested in either volunteering or participating is urged to call Planiden at 250-365-3315.

This post was syndicated from https://castlegarsource.com
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